I have reached the end of my tether with AGN and their broken - TopicsExpress


I have reached the end of my tether with AGN and their broken promises ..... From the time I invested my $10k in July it has been nothing but a continuous parade of promises, promises and more promises....all of which have been lies. I have been in business for over 30 years and have I believe become street wise to what is and isnt true... And the whole AGN operation is a sham and a tissue of lies. While AGN might have 300k affiliates worldwide , the vast majority of money has come from Ireland. By that I mean the highest per capita investment came from here. I first became aware of AGN in October 2013 but due to other investment dealings, I wasnt in a position to invest at that stage. I watched as a friend of mine invested his $10k and recouped his money in about 15 weeks and from there he was in clear profit. There was a frenzy in certain parts of Ireland at this stage to get involved. Meetings and gatherings were arranged in various parts of Ireland .... Mainly up north ... Remember Enniskillen.. and the West of Ireland ..... There was one organised in Dublin at which you had to pay a 25 Euro entrance fee to avail of the opportunity of,as we know now, of losing your money. PowerPoint presentations, slick sales talk, handouts, Q and A sessions where most of the questions were asked by plants .... All designed to get you to invest... And of course the more you invested the greater your profit .... So consequently over here there were a lot of investments that were the maximum of 10k....All these conducted by some or all of the leaders in Ireland with Rival in attendance also .... I was told that our friend from the North has invested over 2 million euro and if the other platforms failed there was enough money there for this to run for 2 years minimum. People of all ages, some with money, others with no money but who borrowed invested in this scheme .... There were weekly meetings in hotels to check on progress and to tell everyone what you had earned ... You were encouraged to bring friends and acquaintances along to get them to invest ... The pyramid was growing. In May, I attempted to transfer funds to Ipayout to begin my journey but surprisingly after 3 weeks of chasing and emailing them ... My money was returned to my bank ... I should have smelt a rat at this stage ... New recruits were still flooding in... To meet my upline manager was difficult... Not that he wasnt around .... He held court daily in a hotel in Dublin City centre where he had appointments lined up with prospective clients all day every day and in a very sincere and believable manner we were all seduced into this money making scheme. In my case what I wasnt told was that AGN were no longer transferring funds to Ipayout, due to the SEC compliance issue ( As they say)... And that no affiliates were been paid. Yet in my case my line manager took my cash outside his hotel he operated from to invest for me seeing as I couldnt get it into AGN through Ipayout .... He did this knowing that I was never going to be paid a penny then or in the future..... Im lucky I had another friend standing across the road watching this transaction as it took place outside the hotel.... The money appeared in my wallet 3/4 days later but never was lodged through Ipayout..(I have an email from them to that effect)... So how did this happen? Would it be conceivable for me to imagine that a transfer of funds from wallet to wallet was made and my money stayed in someones pocket!!!! Ever since, I completed my ads daily got my monopoly money credited weekly, requested my withdrawals every money and while they left my wallet they floated somewhere in cyber space (Probably close to that comet that was landed on yesterday).... But never landed in any account.... I payed for Ipayout credit card, Argent pay card, I am verified, approved and passed but to date have received nothing. Now yesterday all my withdrawals magically reappeared in my wallet.... There is a dollar sign in front of the figure but it might as well be a picture of Mickey Mouse for all they are worth. Ironically all the leaders here have mysteriously vanished along with their or should I say yours and my money. My guy isnt contactable ... I have gone to his hotel but like Merlin the Magician he has vanished. I wrote him an email outlining my concerns and got the greatest load of diatribe back from him...Im only an affiliate like you......I was doing you a favour taking the money off you.... Then the veiled threats in BOLD TYPE..... Dont ever repeat what I said or action will be taken etc.... Ireland has fallen apart.. I have heard from a number of people who were promised as I was, invested and now their managers are nowhere to be found....most of the hard questions on the FACEBOOK page were posed by people from here who invested heavily and have lost heavily. When I look back at the changes AGN were making during their restructuring phase, it was obvious it was driven by people from Ireland .... Everyone could draw 100 a week except Ireland ....why you may ask ? I believe it was because the amounts invested here were so high that 100 a week was useless, particularly when we were looking to withdraw 500/600/700 a week so then as Zachary said after consultation with the Irish and UK leaders... They decided to introduce new terms for us.. You only get paid if you have large numbers of affiliates under you .. If you dont,recruit them and we will pay you a paltry sum.... All tagging us along. At the same time I am fairly certain that certain people here in Ireland were been paid .... My manager met some people in s coffee shop in Dublin in early September to give them money !!!!!! While all this is going on we had the underlings ... The parrot Connolly( I think he is the same guy who operated out of Wicklow Street in Dublin in the 70s/80s)...the Angel Duffy and a few more telling us we were negative, critical and unhelpful by asking legitimate questions.... While all the time these have made an awful lot of money out of this setup... I believe a core group here have made a killing financially while the vast majority have and are suffering from the broken promises and unethical practices.... But I asked before I was blocked would they consider giving their profits back to their affiliates that they took the money from.... The silence was deafening .... I wonder now are they men or mice.... Probably neither ... Most likely rats!!!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 01:58:57 +0000

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