I have read all over everywhere in astrological literature that - TopicsExpress


I have read all over everywhere in astrological literature that Shani is considered Mahakrura: the cruelest of the planets. And at first glance this appears true: wherever Shani appears in the horoscope, troubles and difficulties can be expected, sometimes of the worst sort. But, I am prepared to argue against this notion of Shani as inherently Mahakrura. Indian philosophy points out that we are punished not FOR our sins , but BY our sins...whatever we put out into the world comes inevitably back to us, sometimes in a disguised form, sometimes not. But the fact is, Shani is scrupulously just: nobody gets back any bad karma that THEY THEMSELVES have not earned in some way, at some time and place, and, dont forget, ones karma also extends to ones family connections and back into ones past lives as well! It is a mark of spiritual progress when one can pay back karma incurred in the SAME lifetime; that way it wont be waiting for one in ones NEXT life, when one has forgotten what it was all about! Instant karma isnt pleasant in the least, but it is better to be able to consciously make amends AT THE TIME than to be left to eventually wonder WHY is this happening to me? and possibly end up incurring even MORE karma! Plus, not all bad karma that lands on one is ones own karma; we are also sometimes designated as the one who has to pay off family karma. I have seen numerous striking incidents of this type. It is a fact that being able to recognize this pattern and accepting it often leads to a lessening of the difficulties; it is as though the awareness and the inner willingness to take one for the team changes everything. (I have also heard that Pitri Tarpana is good for helping resolve family karma issues.) But I digress. WE are discussing Shani as Mahakrura. Like people, it would appear that Planetary nature works along the same lines as human nature: if we feel no connection to someone we feel no need to temper our actions towards them because the person means nothing to us. But once we come to know them and become friends, it is difficult to continue treating them in the same objective , cold-blooded fashion. The same applies to the Planets: if we acknowledge them and make offerings and offer them our respect and regard, the whole dynamic between them and us changes; this is the principle behind upaya. If one can feel affection towards them they will return that, as well. Shri Ramakrishna, the Aquarian Avatar, always said: You must make God your very own. The same also applies to the Planets. Now, I ask you: if Shani was REALLY Mahakrura in nature as everybody claims, would any of this (upayas, worship) have any effect on him? Of course not. One could offer upayas and pray to Him till one was blue in the face -and all to no effect if this were actually the case! But as we see for ourselves, Shani DOES mellow out when approached with love and sincere devotion, completely negating the nefarious designation of Mahakrura! Of course He always does so on His own terms; if you are, say, destined to have a rock hit your head, Shani will ensure that the rock in question is the size of a pebble and not a large boulder, and that it falls from a low height and not a great one! But there will STILL be a rock hitting your head at some point!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:36:57 +0000

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