I have read alot of post in the BFRO . Some where amazing , But i - TopicsExpress


I have read alot of post in the BFRO . Some where amazing , But i havent seem any long term research that profiles this creature and gives us and idea of what were dealing with. if you compare all the reports and incidences that have happened over the past decades as for back as you can find written reports you will see Bigfoot was a different fellow all together. He was more on the mean side. like killing livestock , raiding houses, attacking people, throwing rocks and logs all kinds of reports where made where made that shows aggression . Ape canyon at st helens ., mining camps in Alaska , Home steads on the Missouri river. All these reports have the same similaritys . #1 aggression #2 Territorial #3 Hunger. and i believe curiousness. Thats how most get caught on camera. from the early nineteen hundreds till 1958 reports and sightings drop off dramatically drop off due to early UFO sightings ( what i believe happened ) and industrialization here in the US and of coarse ww1 and ww2. Up to 1958 Bigfoot was known as Mountain Devil or Wildman . in the summer of 1958 a dozer operator Jerry Crew and friend Bob Titmus were working in the Bluff Creek Drainage found some 18 inch foot prints and cast them . after taking them to the newspaper the press came up with the name Bigfoot and it stuck. now heres a nice tidbit of info. 9 years later in the fall of 1967 Patterson and Gilman shot the worlds first footage of a female Bigfoot in Bluff Creek .but thats not the cool part . remember the tracks from 58 . well they matched the cast Patterson made of the creature he had filmed in 67. in my opinion it makes strong evidence for the film. This footage has been poked and prodded . flipped and stretched and every other thing can do to call it fake but its held it own and still remains the Holy Grail of film evidence. now we skip ahead about 35years and take a look at Bigfoot now. Still aggressive and territorial still likes to raid what ever it can for food. but we have also learned of the intelligent s and cunning stealthy way around us. weve learned about tree structures and family groups with old and very young individuals . migration and feeding routes . they are now found all over the US and over seas. more and more scientist with PHD are putting the creatures in the public eye. i have always enjoyed the research and talking to people about their experiences and through this Ive formed an idea of how a Bigfoot works . never think they are tame and easy going creatures for they are wild. If you push they will push back . never make direct eye contact this can result in a charge that might be a bluff and might not. never bait near your home its been proven you will be visited possibly inside your home. keep in mind these are ambush predators and are very officiant at there job. most reports tell of a 8 to 10 ft creature around 3 to 5 ft wide very muscular with long arms hanging down to their knees. range in color from black , brown , light brown , reddish brown and white. with red eyes and some greens that glow when light is focused on them. They are able to move at extreme speed . one i know was clocked on the interstate at 50 mile per hour. this happen in California and is documented . they have been documented to have scaled a 40 foot rock face while carrying another creature of near the same size in just seconds. well i think this is enough for now . be careful keep aware of your surroundings and good hunting.....
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:53:06 +0000

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