I have read couple of blogs written by people who obviously are in - TopicsExpress


I have read couple of blogs written by people who obviously are in support of amadlozi. I am not here to tell anyone what is right and what is wrong. But when people say, they do not worship amadlozi, they worship God and involve amadlozi. I find myself forced to say something about that, first I think we need to differentiate between culture and religion. I am saying this because many people follow amadlozi because it is their culture they say, which I don’t agree with that. I have my reasons. Amadlozi is not culture but pure religion started in Babilon and if I am not mistaken no one can have two religions. The so called amadlozi is ancestor worship that is practiced all over the world not by only black South Africans. Catholic under the guise of saints they worship the dead on that particular day. Mexico they worship the dead, Spain, most of European countries, the whole of Africa. Now, the problem here is not whether this is African or European or Asian. But the problem is the origin of this religion of worshipping the dead, it does not come from God. You might say how can I say that when people are getting help by it. When people who follow it are getting what they want. That is another problem people have. Just because something works, does not mean it comes from God. We sometimes forget that there is another character called satan who have powers to give to those who will follow him. So just because amadlozi work for people does not mean they are God’s work they are not. You will say how can I say that, how dare me say that something that people give their lives in worshipping and following does not come from God. How can I be so arrogant. The answer is simple. God can not contradict Himself. If He did that He will be a liar, and God is not a liar. In the book of Lev. 19:31 “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I [am] the LORD your God.” Zulu version “Ningaphendukeli kwabanamadlozi nakubathakathi, ningabafuni ukuba ningcoliswe yibo; nginguJehova uNkulunkulu wenu.” Lev. 20:6 “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.” Zulu version “Nalowomuntu ophendukela kwabanamadlozi nakubathakathi ukuya kubo ukuba aphinge,ngiyakubeka ubuso bami bumelane nalowomuntu, ngimnqume kubantu bakubo.” Lev. 20:27 “A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood [shall be] upon them.” Zulu version “Owesilisa noma owesifazane, elikubo idlozi, noma umthakathi bobulawa nokubulawa, bakhandwe ngamatshe, igazi labo libe-phezu kwabo.” As you can see, God cannot say He does not want people to get involved with familiar spirit and then change His mind now because we want Him to. This is not about Christians trying to force people to stop worshipping amadlozi, this is about God who says He has nothing to do with amadlozi and He does not want us involved with them. But hey, we live in a democracy, everything is allowed here you can’t tell anyone what to do. The problem with that mentality is that the same God who does not want amadlozi is the same God that created the whole world the same God that we are all going to stand before Him and answer for our sins. If He does not want amadlozi then the question come, why? Simply because amadlozi are not from God, I mean they are not from Jehova God. They are from someone else who also like to be god, who like to be worshipped. In fact he was kicked out of heaven because he wanted to be worshipped like God. He wanted to take God’s place, that angel is Lucifer also known as satan the devil. He want to be worshipped and when you introduce him in your house by making sacrifices of goat and chicken, thinking you are doing it for your late family members. Once you kill that animal, he takes over your life. The thing is he does not stop asking for that blood once you start. He will give you the things you want of course if you are devoted but at what cost, your soul? Look I still say that everyone has a choice, but I just want people to understand that God does not want this, and if He does not want it and you do it, be prepared for consequences, that is where satan will end up at the end that is hell and where God want you to go that is heaven. I am not trying to frighten you, but ask yourself this. Do you want to please God or satan? If you want to please God you will follow God and stop involving yourself with this because it will cost you your soul. But if you chose to follow satan you can continue as long as you know the true. You cannot say tomorrow you did not know. Anyway I challenge anyone who feel that my comment here are misleading or otherwise to email me on my gmail that is gerbergtx and I am prepared to answer your questions on this topic and any other topic related to the Bible. so let talk about the Africans and the Bible anything thank you
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 23:32:00 +0000

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