I have really appreciated having my brain challenged this last - TopicsExpress


I have really appreciated having my brain challenged this last week forcing me to really examine some of my judgements about modes of protest -- specifically in terms of some of the looting and aggressive behavior of Bay Area protestors. At first my thoughts were something like, Oh man they are playing right into the hands of government. And then I started to think...hmmm....maybe the onus of respectable behavior shouldnt always have to be on the people who are protesting because violence is happening against their community. Maybe, when police are killing unarmed 12 year olds, the time for polite behavior has passed? Maybe, when young people are expressing justifiable anger, it is time for us older cats to support them, support their anger and not come with judgements about the forms of protest they are crafting even though it might seem chaotic and dangerous. Maybe we should trust that there is a revolutionary fervor blowing through the air and our bourgeois sense of propriety is being threatened, and that is why we are rushing to judgements? Maybe I have becoming deeply bourgeois in my older days? Maybe I am sounding like Mao and putting my faith in the Red Guards? I dont know any answers but appreciate the chance to think somewhat deeply about the revolutionary thoughts that have been buried in my growing age.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:55:43 +0000

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