I have really just about had it with this broad! Ms. Judge - TopicsExpress


I have really just about had it with this broad! Ms. Judge Pirro, a few words please, 1). Of course the joint chiefs are calling for boots. They lose funding if they dont have to deploy -- same reason all these Army units started looking for an AFRICOM mission after decades of not giving a crap about Africa. 2). Knowing better than military experts huh? You mean like when former 4 star Gen. Colin Powell said not to invade Iraq and Bush did it anyway!? You mean like when Gen Casey said to retain the Iraqi Republican Army and Police but Rumsfeld let them run off to the insurgency!? Please. 3). Pres Bush signed the reduction of forces agreement, not Obama. Maliki refused the SOFA agreement and wanted American soldiers to stand trial in Iraqi courts. Would you rather Pres Obama have signed that instead? ISIS was inevitable regardless of how we reduced our forces in Iraq. Unless of course Ms. Pirro would rather us continue to die in an unwinnable conflict until the end of time. 4). In 2002 we brought the Taliban to surrender in AFG, using much the same strategy that Pres Obama is employing to day in Iraq. Those same joint chiefs led big occupational units into the country afterwards and reversed all of those efforts. The big Army needs to stay the f*** away from this, like they should have the first time. Question: When fighting a chemical fire, do you a). dump a whole bunch of water on it? or b). contain it, let it burn up its fuel and then use appropriate measures to suffocate it? Answer: Chemical fires will split the water molecules of their hydrogen and oxygen particles and use them as fuel. Much the same way, an insurgency fuels and recruits off of a foreign military occupation. Using this strategy you strengthen the insurgency to an exponential degree. If however, you can restrict their movement, ability to convoy, transport, and cut off access to resupply, it doesnt matter how much oil, tanks, guns, or whateverthehellelse they have. If they cant do shit with it, its worthless! By the way, you go about accomplishing that with JTACs and Air Support -- both of which are in country. Once contained, you link up with the local forces already fighting and in exchange for their intelligence you provide material support. They become the face and boots of the fight, and you get to use all of your badass toys. We did this in AFG in 2002 and its what we are attempting now in Iraq. At this point, your fire is contained and your are taking measures to suffocate it. The only thing that could make that fire spread into another uncontrollable situation is to let these Big Army dinosaurs go stomping around and making a mess!!! Maybe history and Common Knowledge werent required credits for your Fox News law degree!?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:09:26 +0000

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