I have received a LOT of flack and negative, rude and hateful - TopicsExpress


I have received a LOT of flack and negative, rude and hateful responses regarding my recent posts about sharing the GOOD NEWS with people instead of beating them up and telling them theyre going to Hell. EVERY ONE of these mean spirited, name calling private messages, texts, emails and voicemails were from good Christian folks. I have been accused of being a false prophet, liar, coward and almost 100% of those responding stated that I was preaching a sugar coated or watered down message. Now its my turn but Ill address your issues here, where everyone can see it rather than responding to each of your anonymous rants.......HELL (Sheol, Hades, Gehenna) is real and it was created for Satan and his angels. It is not Gods desire or will that any human being should spend eternity there (although many will due to their refusal to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior). We as Christians are COMMANDED to preach the GOOD NEWS yet the sad truth is that many people spend the majority of their time preaching a negative message that tells people theyre going to split Hell wide open if they dont change their ways or start following a certain set of rules and regulations. The Apostle Paul DID NOT do it that way. As a matter of fact he NEVER even mentioned Hell. Not ONCE in any of writings did he EVER bring it up. Does that make him a coward? Was he preaching a sugar coated Gospel? Absolutely not! He pointed people toward Christ. Toward the cross. Toward Heaven. You can choose to scream, rant, rave and tell everyone you meet that theyre going to Hell or you can point them toward Heaven. The choice is yours. I would challenge you to look at the history of the great men and women of God who have won millions of souls for Christ and follow their examples. You see my friends, what we need is BALANCE! People need to know about the reality of Hell but they dont need to be constantly threatened and berated about it.....especially Gods people. The sad truth is that here are a LOT of preachers who are preaching a Hell focused Gospel to people who are headed to Heaven and dont need to hear it. Its a waste of time and doesnt accomplish anything. Doing that would be like constantly threatening to beat my children who are obedient and who do their best to obey and please me. They all know that there are consequences for disobedience but it makes no sense to threaten them with those consequences when they are doing what is right. In closing, let me say this.... you mind your business and Ill mind mine. You preach what you feel is right and Ill preach what I feel is right. You stand before God and give an answer for your life and ministry and Ill stand before Him and give an account for mine.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:47:57 +0000

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