I have received many fraud complaints about this guy who calls - TopicsExpress


I have received many fraud complaints about this guy who calls himself pahtreaq mk on Facebook and left it to myself but today let me post this one maybe he will change. Hey Henry, My name is Elisa, 27yrs, I live and work in Canada. I met Mr. Patrick Muwanguzi, a Lawyer via Skype in 2010, who was living in Boston MA, we were online friends till may 2013 when he said he wanted to meet me & go out with me. However since he was in Africa at the time, we had to agree on a mutual place & chose Victoria,BC Canada ,he had initially told me that his employer hadnt paid him for the work he was doing so I ended up footing the whole 1 week vacation bill of about 2500$ In July 2013. He had also asked me to send him 570$, which I sent him in Kampala a week before we met. So after the vacation he never paid me back a single dime, nevertheless we started a long distance relationship. I was in Canada, he went back to Boston then Kampala. Later he asked me for money saying that his brother was in financial problems & I sent him over 700$, however when I asked him to give the money he owed me to my sister in Kampala he started giving me different stories and excuses, time was coming to our 2nd meeting which was supposed to take place in Boston, for thanks giving in November 2013. He offered to buy my air ticket for 800$ but said that his card wasnt working and I had to buy the ticket & he would refund me. Since his birthday was coming up, I decided to surprise him with a trip to Las Vegas which I fully paid for about 2300$ a week before thanksgiving and we would return in time to spend thanksgiving with his family in Boston. However I realized that time was running out and he was still in Kampala yet I was supposed to meet him in Boston & a day before my flight, he called claiming that he had missed his flight from Entebbe cos of a street demonstration that he couldnt get in time to the airport, when I asked people in Uganda, they said there was no such thing & a friend had actually seen him not anywhere close to the airport. I had to change all our plans, air tickets and Vegas plans which had an additional cost of 1200$ that he agreed to cover since it was his fault, I had to stay in a Boston hotel for 2 days for him to come. When he finally arrived and we went to vegas, our first dinner, we went to the restaurant & he told me he had no money & that his card had to be renewed at the bank the next day, so I paid all the bills till he got his card which didnt have much money cos he wasnt spending either, I had to pay for most things.he was also wearing old and disheveled clothes he had wore in Victoria. After the trip I was excited to go to his place but instead he took me to a cheap hotel with no windows, claiming that his place was disorganized, he used my card to buy food & I never got to see his place because we stayed at the hotel till it was time for me to go home. During this whole time, I realized that he was always on the phone, so I got curious and snooped in it while he slept & realized that he had other women that he owed money too. I told him it was over but he had to pay the money he owed me to my sister. At first he gave me several excuses, then blocked me from all his communication & totally ignored me. However with my sister & her husband constantly asking for the money, I ran out of excuses, told them the whole story who them decided that theyd try to negotiate with him because they are more mature & well connected. My sister & her husband in Toronto, have currently hired API proffessional investigations from Boston using the information I gave them, which is working with MTV the catfish tv show (where the unravel the truths & lies of online dating) to run this story using my pictures, receipts, emails & anything else, they have asked me to fly to Boston where the cameras will follow us while we find Patrick where he lives or works depending on the private investigators information. However, I am a very lenient person & I tried to call, text & email patrick to get in touch & he has totally refused to get back. Mr Kakensa, I follow your coverage & you always get to the truth, before I agree to go on camera to shame this man that I once called my boyfriend, what advice do you have? I have attached him to this email to prove that this story is valid or In case he wants to tell you his version of events, you be the judge. Kind regards I give consent to post it to your followers and I hear their view
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 14:36:12 +0000

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