I have received no more than one or two letters in my life that - TopicsExpress


I have received no more than one or two letters in my life that were worth the postage……Henry David Thoreau, Walden Notes from the Front…….Part 5 (Full Parish Council Meeting September 2013, Cedar Barn) The Chair continued with Item 10 correspondence, only 7 minutes behind time at this stage of the agenda. There were 17 items received requiring decisions plus 21 more items on general information and correspondence sent, only 5 items. The focus was on correspondence received and decisions that needed to be made by the council. For the 17 items according to the absorbed timetable the council had 5 minutes, the Chair remarked, which amused one or two councillors or not. First letter was from Surefire service identifying the cost for the work needed to extend the fire service at the Barn location to get the whole site up to fire safety standards (Health & Safety regulations), a quote of £3940 was enclosed. The Chair asked was that the only quote, the Clerk replied they are our contractors. Cllr Weaver commented it is a lot of money to spend. Cllr Thompson added we have always done business with this company and stated if we invite in another company they are unlikely to take responsibility for the work done by Surefire. Observation: Not if Surefire are a credited company, as the same with alarm systems should not be a problem. The Vice Chair commented it is worth getting another quote given the amount of money involved and talking to another company, all agreed. It was suggested by the Chair that the Chair of Open Spaces have a meeting with Surefire and get back to the F&GP (finance committee) meeting then the next full council meeting with a recommendation. The next few correspondences were re the Rose Avenue Rec. ground and various comments from the community covering the lack of play facilities for more mature youths 12 – 18 years old which some council’s provide. Another lady commented on dogs getting under the gate to the play area making it dangerous for children and suggested the old gate be replaced. It was decided to pass these letters to Open Spaces to review. The Battle of Britain Sunday memorial, it was agreed the Vice Chair would attend on behalf of the council and take Cllr Howard with her. Age UK requested a grant from the council as people in your area are using our service. The Chair refereed it to the Finance committee to ensure a consistent policy is used for these types of requests. The Chair continued……. WDC licensing policy review, Cllr Slater asked do you want me to explain on this one, the Chair replied not really and continued without taking a breath that there is a deadline for comments of the 21st October and the policy is now in the public domain. It is for council to review it and make comments where applicable before the deadline, via the Clerk. Next was Ellis Whittam a recognised Health & Safety course for the whole day, which the Vice Chair (Cllr Natasha Howard) went on and passed the course getting 100% correct answers in the end of day formal exam. The accreditation certificate will be in the post to the council, so no more excuses ! The Pavilion drainage problems were again raised which now need to be taken up with HAP Architects, a meeting will be called to attempt to resolve this 3 year problem. Next up a Bucks County Council employee’s survey to be completed by Hazlemere Parish Council, the councillors could not see the benefit or merit in this and no councillors volunteered, so the survey rejected. To be continued…………Ideas to deal with graffiti or not.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:38:44 +0000

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