I have received this email and I suggest that every Australian - TopicsExpress


I have received this email and I suggest that every Australian reads it and shares it: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Hi Miroslava, This email exposes the dreadful and corrupt system of entitlements that politicians award themselves. It is an utter disgrace that these people, who essentially are our employees, as we voters give them these cushy jobs in parliament, can rip off the taxpaying public with their snouts well and truly in the trough. It has to stop. If a pension isnt an entitlement, neither is the politician’s pension. They keep telling us that paying us an aged pension isnt sustainable. Paying politicians all the perks they get is even less sustainable. The politicians themselves, in Canberra, brought up the notion that the Age of Entitlement is over: Hotheads is asking you to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list and in turn, ask each of those to do likewise. This is one idea that really should be passed around because the rot has to stop somewhere. Here are some proposals to make politicians shoulder their share of the weight, now that the Age of Entitlement is over 1. Scrap political pensions. Politicians can purchase their own retirement plan, just as most other working Australians are expected to do. 2. Retired politicians (past, present and future) should participate in Centrelink. A politician collects a substantial salary while in office, but should receive no salary when theyre out of office. Terminated politicians under 70 can go get a job or apply for Centrelink unemployment benefits like ordinary Australians. 3. Funds already allocated to a politician’s retirement fund should be returned immediately to Consolidated Revenue. This money is to be used to pay down debt they created, which they expect us and our grandchildren to repay for them. 4. Politicians will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. The pay of politicians will rise by the lower of either the CPI or 3%. 5. Politicians will lose their privileged health care system and participate in the same health care system as ordinary Australian people. Politicians will either pay for private cover from their own funds or accept ordinary Medicare. 6. Politicians must equally abide by all laws they impose on the Australian people. For instance, if they lie in order to be elected and make false promises (There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead), that is fraud and obtaining a benefit by deception and they will be removed from parliament and prosecuted. 7. All contracts with past and present Politicians will be made void. The Australian people did not agree to provide these ridiculously extravagant perks to politicians. That burden was thrust upon them. Politicians devised all these contracts to benefit themselves. Serving in parliament is an honour, not a career. The Founding Fathers of Australia envisioned citizen legislators, so our politicians should serve their terms, then go home and back to work. This is how parliament and the political system should be fixed. Fairness needs to be brought back to Australia and it will never be fair while there is a privileged aristocracy called politicians living like lords and making rules to benefit themselves at our expense. If you agree with the above, pass it on. If you wonder about the sort of perks that politicians and public servants get, check this out. REMUNERATION 2014 – SPECIFIED STATUTORY OFFICES Chief of the Defence Force - $535,100 - $764,420 - up to $14,700 PER WEEK Commissioner of Taxation - $518,000 - $740,000 - up to $14,230 PER WEEK Chief Executive Officer, Australian Customs and Border Protection - $483,840 - $691,200 - UP TO $13,292 PER WEEK Auditor-General for Australia - $469,150 - $670,210 - UP TO $12,888 PER WEEK Australian Statistician - $469,150 - $670,210 - UP TO $12,888 PER WEEK SALARIES OF RETIRED PRIME MINISTER AND POLITICIANS - 2014 Prime Minister - $507,338 - $9,756 PER WEEK Deputy Prime Minister - $400,016 - $7,692 PER WEEK Treasurer - $365,868 - $7,036 PER WEEK Leader of the Opposition - $360,990 - $6,942 PER WEEK Speaker of the House of Representatives - $341,477 - $6,567 PER WEEK Leader of the House - $341,477 - $6,567 PER WEEK Minister in Cabinet - $336,599 - $6,473 PER WEEK Parliamentary Secretary - $243,912 - $4691 PER WEEK Other ministers - $307,329 - $5,910 PER WEEK Shadow minister 25.0 $243,912 - $4,691 PER WEEK THIS IS WHAT RETIRED POLITICIANS ARE PAID - WHY? WHO THE HELL GETS PAID LIKE THIS WHEN THEY ARE RETIRED OR HAVE LOST THEIR POSITIONS? Should an elected prime minister serve 4 years and then decide to retire, each year (of the 4 years) will have cost taxpayers an EXTRA Two and a half million bucks a year! A$2,536,690 to be precise. This has to be stopped. The obscene salaries of fat cat public servants need to be decimated. These people up the top of the tree of the public service need to have their salaries cut drastically. Why the hell should a career soldier be paid $14,700 PER WEEK, as the current Chief of the Defence Forces receives, along with all the other lurks and perks? How many of you would aspire to earn $14,700 PER WEEK? It wouldn’t be bad, eh? But these public servants and politicians are being paid with YOUR hard-earned money while they live like lords, swan around in executive jets and chauffeur-driven limousines. We need to put an end to this crap.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:49:02 +0000

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