I have recently learnt something called the 80/20 rule.... its - TopicsExpress


I have recently learnt something called the 80/20 rule.... its simple if you have 80% of someone in a relationship and that 20% you lack in them help them work on it dont leave 80% for someone who is offering you only 20% cause once you bind your self with that person you will lack 80% and you will be more unhappy and just pleasing the flesh and not the spirit in you... We are to win souls not date them God has planed a perfect partner to fit you he/she is in the kingdom and in ministry and once you both at the same level in Christ will you rise up and meet and rocket off together, dont be discouraged dont be afraid to be alone Joshua 1;9 the Lord your God is with you, take time to repair yourself dont jump into the next available partner focus on Christ he is your first love love him love yourself before you try to love someone else, be aware of the enemy he comes to rob, kill and destroy if your spirit is weak he will send a non believer to you to wow you and offer you that 20% or what fellowship has light with darkness? 2 corinthians 6;14, if you not strong enough you will take it and soon fail never allow yourself to be mislead your partner must be a sold out person for the Lord a true son and daughter of the Father a true worshiper anyone can go to church, anyone can read the bible and everyone has the freedom of prayer but church isnt for your partner sake its a lifestyle to lead daily you and your partner must be the Church the Bible isnt just the book its a lamp unto our feet and light unto our paths its Gods word its our law Prayer isnt just the telephone line to say yes I Prayed its a connection you have and direct line to the centre of all things and creator of all things be aware you are the company that you join and you are what you attract 1Corinthians15;33, take the time to sit down with your partner talk, sacrifice and work on that 20% 1 Peter 4;8, if you single take time to grow in the word of the Lord love the Lord more ask him to help you rise up to the man and woman he wants you to be Joshua 1;8, Be like Ruth who waited patiently for her King be woman and men who settle for nothing less than you know you deserve and what your Father has planned for you he Is the holder of the purpose of your life be an independent person a person of humility and simplicity and love learn the facts of love 1Corinthians13;4-7, God has a partner for everyone of us Genesis 2;18 they wont just appear they also going through stuff thats preparing them to be where they need to be with you and the end result is beautiful!!! Trust in the Lord dwell in his land he will give you the desires of your heart Psalms 37 ;3-4 stop searching and allow him to connect you and choose your husband/wife, 2 Timothy 2;22 dont let the desire of youthful lust consume you but rather pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace be a person so lost in Christ that another man or woman will have to seek him In order to find you, keep your body holy for it is the Temple of the most High, Deuteronomy 7; 3-4 watch who your parents hand you over to for some people will only turn against you after marriage and follow other gods and soon your Lord will be kindled against you and quickly destroy you, 1 Thessalonians 5-22 do not despise prophetic utterance, but examine everything carefully hold fast to which is good and abstain from every form of evil, connect your spirit to the right place with your Lord your God therfore you will quickly be aware of the attempt of the enemy guard your heart your life and your values grow deeper in love with the one who gave his life for you acknowledge that then only will you fathom the real understanding of love and how to love and how to be patient for the one who will love you the same, if people want to leave let them go they mistake isnt yours dont be discouraged they left cause they life simply wasnt on the same level as yours anymore they have seen it and envied it they know the change in you is far greater than they have experienced but yet they desire it in themselves but they life isnt aligned with the word and the father like yours so you keep growing watch the company they join then only will you know that God has taken you from one place to another and evaluate your company and when you ready enough you will embrace the love of your life in all forms on every level and you will become one in Christ and marriage you are destined for great things dont let minor people with minor set backs hold you back from what is to come to you embrace It with all you have and accept It do not be surprised the father wants nothing but the best for us, I am a testimony☺ have a blessed relationship and life with the Lord your God!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:21:05 +0000

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