I have reposted this post my father shared with a FB friend a - TopicsExpress


I have reposted this post my father shared with a FB friend a little while ago. This is a man who took the opportunity to perve on his granddaughter. The fact that this behaviour began with his youngest daughter shows a natural progression. The fact that he was charged but not convicted of being a peeping tom in the early 70s confirms that the mould had been cast. Concerning my sister and the peeping tom charge, I only recently got all the bones on those gems of information. I suppose the night he walked into a massage parlour and was confronted by a younger family member, to his absolute horror, his decision to leave her there once again confirms his moral compass. (She had no means of support and was a working girl to survive) In 2011, after a period of 5 years of no contact, (the reason for the estrangema whole other story, some of you know the details) My father contacted me and I made the decision to rekindle the relationship he was suffering from emphysema and ailing eye site. Late in 2011 I had a workplace accident, severely breaking my wrist, losing my income and ending up sleeping in my car (Sometimes) my father welcomed me to his flat in Sebastopol… I thought he was doing what a dad should do, but he put it in his memory banks, “I owed him”. I was able to find legal representation in Ballarat and finally was able to force compensation through work cover allowing me to regain some sort of control. (The hand would plague me for an extended amount of time, once again some of you know!) I searched and found a house in a town with perfect amenities for him, both for medical purposes as well as social. We moved to Skipton. Carl Jnr joined us and for a little while things were good. I cooked, cleaned, (We had a cleaning lady once a week) drove him to medical appointments, but I seldom remember so much as a “Thank You” but then again I owed him,,,, didn’t I. It went bad, he became angry, ranting his bigoted, homophobic, opinions to my son, all you need do is look at his twitter and face book account’s and it will be confirmed!!!!! And on occasion to my daughter, in his opinion they were spoilt brats that needed a hiding, if you ask any person who knows my children you will know different. In a rage he once tore all of Carl Jnrs posters from his bedroom wall because Jnr had left a hammer in the back yard. He drank too much. I was beginning to doubt the severity of his sickness. By the time his sister passed away there was an event every day of the week, my daughter still visited, but had made it clear that there was no relationship between her and her grandfather, and there never would be again. My father moved hell and high water to prevent his Niece finding out about the death of her mother, a disgusting thing to do. I was a fool for allowing him to pull the wool over my eyes, he was determined to have his sisters estate to himself, but in his greed set about a chain of events that would prove to all of us just how lacking in humanity he really was. When I finally made contact with my cousin, I was completely unaware that she had no knowledge of her mother’s death. I still remember how my stomach rolled when she asked me if I had heard from her mother. I suppose had his plan worked the way his evil mind wanted it to I would never have spoken to my cousin again. But it was then I knew of his lack of moral fibre. I informed him that his Niece was coming to visit. His exact words I remember them and I quote. “If she is going to be here I won’t be” I also remember that he phoned and told my mother of the impending visit again I Quote because again I heard it plain as day “I will have chest pains and shortness of breath, and go to Ballarat base for the weekend. Confirmed ,,,, his Illness is a farce, well not as bad as he wants people to think. My cousin arrived, he did stay initially, more I think to get info on the estate,, skittering around the house to avoid my cousin, but at one stage attempting to ingratiate himself with my cousins husband, while we were not at the house. In the end ,,, when he was confronted he fled as he said he would and was admitted to Ballarat Base hospital where he cut all communication. He was informed of myself and Jnr vacating the house, I TOOK WHAT WAS OWED TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He along with my mother gave my share of a lotto windfall to my older sister,,,, My older sister is as big a VULTURE as he is,, My mother has proven that she is just A LIAR!!!!!! He has sued me, he thinks successfully.. But because he has sued he has forced me into bankruptcy,, the papers are filed this week……… I will bounce back, and when he finally passes away I will go to visit his grave!!!! Maybe!!!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 12:40:10 +0000

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