I have returned from the most amazing trip to Africa, and wanted - TopicsExpress


I have returned from the most amazing trip to Africa, and wanted to share my thanks to everyone in Iowa for their support. I traveled from village to village, hut to hut, person to person delivering the supplies everyone so lovingly donated. It was a life-changing experience and I will be forever grateful to all those who stepped up and made it possible to share a little love. One evening a group of ladies came running up to our supply trucks as we were distributing and said Thank you to us, and the reply was dont thank us, thank God. And they inquired, The God of Jacob?. And we said, Yes. The God of Abraham?, they asked. The same one, we replied. And then they began to cry and sing to us in gratitude to God for sending us. Tears of joy were shed. And experience after experience reminded me that we can make a difference and be an instrument in his hands always.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:45:00 +0000

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