I have seen so many of my friends lately make bold announcements - TopicsExpress


I have seen so many of my friends lately make bold announcements on their Facebook pages, inviting people to unfriend me now if you are X, where X can be libertarian, religious, Republican or Conservative, or Democrat or liberal, an atheist or agnostic, or pro Palestinian or supportive of Israel, or a supporter of certain politicians or belief systems. Not me. Not only do I invite opinions I dont agree with, they are crucial to evolving and refining anyones analysis of exactly what they do believe and why. Re­search­ers find that peo­ple are on av­er­age about twice as likely to se­lect in­forma­t­ion that sup­ports their own point of view as to con­sid­er an op­pos­ing idea, and that is a shame. You can learn a lot from people that are opposing to your political, or even ethical or lifestyle beliefs. (See Team of Rivals by Doris Goodwin, and this Harvard Business School article: blogs.hbr.org/2013/09/whos-your-challenger-in-chief/)
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 19:36:28 +0000

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