I have seen so many posts in the past few months and have also - TopicsExpress


I have seen so many posts in the past few months and have also have had messages for people looking for a cheap photographer...I never see people asking for a cheap Plumber. before they get in your door its £75. I would just like to explain a few things..photography equipment is very expensive, lights, camera, insurances,lenses, light metres, props , training, safety training, software, computers.e.t.c.The other week I done a wedding with over 2200 images to look through...people think you press a button and the camera takes a picture..that is not the case. there are hundreds of different settings on a camera and if you dont know what your doing your going to get it wrong. when you get home you have to download those 2200 images...you then have to back them up on a different system just in case something happens to the first one ( how long do you think this takes, over 2 hours each time or more) you then have to look through ALL the images to see what ones are useable with no eyes closed or people pulling faces or people looking in the wrong direction, this takes a couple of full days work. Then you have to colour correct the images as the lighting changes so much depending on where you work, you maybe have to take out blemishes or someone out the side of the image ( sometimes it cant be helped as we have a split second to take that shot) we have to brighten skin or backgrounds if its a dull day, we have to photoshop out chocolate on kids clothes e.t.c.. and then its another full day or more to design an album ,I could go on for a while here so I will stop now. You know the saying you get what you pay for it is true. I have had people come to me asking if I can fix images that another photographer done because they got someone to do the images for cheap..I have someone bring me studio images that have had no editing done to them at all and they looked terrible in them because the lighting was so bad. I have people trying to bring me down in price because they think I only take a picture, this is not the case. All the work I sell has had my heart and soul put to it because to me thats not just a picture, its a work of art that I spent time on and Im not selling it cheaper because people dont realise the work, training, money and hard graft that goes into my work..This is not a rant its just a little message to make some people understand we dont click a button and if you want someone to do your images cheap..expect bad quality.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:19:21 +0000

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