I have seen such a disappointing side of blogging the last few - TopicsExpress


I have seen such a disappointing side of blogging the last few days. Maybe some of you have seen the backlash to the trailer of American Blogger on social media. Chris Wiegand, the filmmaker, spent a few days with my family last summer as he filmed in the desert for his documentary. I was so honored to be included in the film. I mean why would he pick me? Yes I have a story to tell but I’m not in the popular groups of bloggers…I don’t make it out of the house much...I tend to keep to myself, in my own little silo here. Most of the controversy comes from the seemingly “whitewashed” group of bloggers….that there is little diversity in the film….and how dare he use the title American Blogger. First let me say: I get that observation (from the 2 minute trailer). BUT…this is ONE MAN. He isn’t a large corporation or a company that made a marketing blunder. This is one man’s perspective on the blogging world, fueled by his love for story telling. Chris is kind, humble father and husband. I am heartbroken for both him and his family over this backlash. And who knew there was a monopoly on the use of the word American? It is so easy for people to criticize from behind their computer screen….but how about we just make someone feel good today? Make one person feel like they are enough? Instead of trying to beat someone into submission and shame over something they thought was innocent and artful. How about “wow a young man has devoted his life to the craft of film and took a year of his life to work toward the completion of a huge project.” That is a phenomenal undertaking if you think about it. The logistics, the expense, the expertise of film and sound, the editing, the EDITING….the list goes on. And then the comments on Twitter attacking the bloggers in the film…how they dress, what their homes look like, and the content of the film…which no one has seen yet by the way. So many generalizations. All so hurtful all the way around. Last night I saw post after post reading This is what a real American blogger looks like and I am a REAL American Blogger? I’m confused…so myself and the other bloggers aren’t real? My stories of cancer, death, infertility, miscarriage, anxiety, and addiction feel pretty REAL to me. But whatever....I could care less what these people think about me. Chris made a film around something he was passionate about….it was authentic and honest from his perspective. He captured raw, emotional moments. And that’s what everyone wants today right? Authenticity? Oprah and Brene Brown have almost cornered the market on selling this idea. It’s an awesome message. And Chris took a risk and threw himself into a year long project (on his own btw!)…..but then the backlash seems hell bent on tearing him down to nothing, reducing him to silence. So maybe he made a misjudgment with the voiceover in the trailer, maybe his view of the blogging world is narrow and mostly mainstream….…wow, let’s discredit it all then. I think criticism is good, but it’s taken too far when it becomes ridicule. The “PC Police” come out in droves and try to beat people into submission with their hurtful words. Ridicule is a VERY powerful weapon. We spend our days trying to teach our kids this concept to save them from bullying right? Our blogging culture today has a tendency to put some of those bloggers that facilitate negativity up on a pedestal. They are deemed “witty” and “funny.” I’ve seen a very ugly side of blogging with a few large bloggers who tend to band together and essentially bully and ridicule others....and they think it’s okay because of all the charitable work they do….or the one BIG thing they’ve done to help humanity, as if that makes them a good person. Dear bloggers, PLEASE, show me that you are good person…I truly want to believe that you are…but I just keep having more and more doubts about a few of you by what I see you write on social media! I told Casey (Chris’s wife) tonight that God is in this somehow. As sucky as it is right now, and I can only imagine how sucky, GOD IS IN THIS. We need more people like Chris who will put themselves out there, and everything on the line, with their creative passion. Of course he isn’t perfect, maybe he hasn’t had a chance to see the diversity this blogging world holds. That doesn’t make him prejudiced or averse to diversity. I know Chris….he is humble and good. My biggest concern is HOW can ANYONE be vulnerable in a culture like this? How do we encourage people to take risks when the taunting and meanness escalate so quickly? Why is the bandwagon of hate and ridicule so appealing to jump on? Sorry for this long rant but I just wanted to put it out there because I want to support this family. I won’t be a part of the negativity. Maybe that makes my view obtuse in the eyes of some of the “intellectually elite” bloggers. I get it….it makes me boring and non-controversial. And that means you’ll always get more visitors and readers than I do. That’s okay with me. I choose encouragement. I choose love. Love wins. xoxo, Ashley P.S. I’ll link the trailer in the comments. #americanblogger
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 06:00:12 +0000

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