I have seen this many times in the last few years, and it still - TopicsExpress


I have seen this many times in the last few years, and it still effects me and causes me to miss how our country used to be. In the 1950s, we experienced our best of times. Beginning in the 1960s we found ourselves protesting against our government who had taken to the wrong path down the hill. In the 1970s and 1980s we were almost numb against our government and felt as responsive as sheep being led to slaughter. The 1990s took us deeper into the political abyss and by the 2000s, we were doomed... our politicians were bought by Big Corporations and those Big Corporations became People and were given our rights, only they had the money to control the power. We lost, big time. We are still paying for it and will be for generations. Fortunately for us, We the People fought against the downward spiral and elected a President who is for We the People over We the Corporation and We the Party. With great resistance and obstruction, and with no cooperation and assistance, our President has managed to turn the trend upwardly and forward and we are recovering. Oh, the old problems havent gone away. Not at all. But the problems have hurt so many people in so many ways, while profiting the Corporations and the Wealthy, the Common Man, the Worker, the Middle Class has started to fight back. Good for us! We are now on the threshold of a vital turning point in our history. In November, 2014, we have the opportunity to give our President, the one we overwhelmingly voted into office twice, the one who has turned out national fate around, a Congress (House and Senate) that can and will work together for We the People against the money that bought the House and Senate out from under our noses. The abuse against us has to stop! Only WE the People can stop it. They are not going to change anything they do for us. In 2016, we are in a position to assure that our progress continues with the opportunity to vote into office a new President whose dedication is to We the People, and add to the Congress more Senators and Representatives who are dedicated to We the People over Big Money and Corporate America. We, alone, can fix this. We, alone, have the power to make the changes and to hold on to our Rights and our Heritage, our Social Security and our Medicare. We can correct our education system and the methods students need to have access to in order to get an education. We can provide healthcare opportunities to everyone who, under the old system, cannot afford healthcare. We can depend on Congress to provide Jobs Bills, Veterans Jobs Bills, Veterans Benefits, proper care for our infirm and elderly, our hungry and our poor. We can repair and maintain our infrastructure from coast to coast and border to border and we can better control our tax money that our Congress so freely gives to others around the world while we suffer. We can trim our military budget by enough to assure that every child in this country doesnt go hungry and gets the education we want him or her to have and that they deserve. One vote can make the difference, and that is your vote. If you dont vote, we lose it all. Voting is not just a privilege and an honor, but a responsibility - yours and my responsibility. If we dont use it, we are irresponsible. If we ignore the issues and stay ignorant of the consequences, we are lost. Each and every voter MUST do their own research. Turn off television and radio. Put down the newspapers and magazines. Bypass the biased websites, the slanted news sites, and find those UNBIASED sites (they are there) and seek the truth, the facts, and the actual history, leaving opinions for to those who have them. Make your own decision based on hard evidence, not rumor, not spin, not lies. As your fellow American citizen and voter, Im counting on you.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:04:28 +0000

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