I have seen women lifted by love. Countless women surrounded, fed, - TopicsExpress


I have seen women lifted by love. Countless women surrounded, fed, embraced by love. But most recently I have met a woman condemned by love. Alienated, starved, forgotten by love. The pain from love is visible in the eyes, heart, and soul of this woman. She who lives for love, who would die for love. Curiosity forces me to look deep into her. Big brown eyes tell of a man whose love was taken away as quickly as was given. That man I am. A selfless man whose compassion drowned in these eyes. Taken advantage of, the faith and forgiveness she possesses. Tears roll down her cheeks and begin to drip from her delicate chin. As sympathy overwhelms me I invite myself in for a better look. A bleeding heart welcomes me to the truth behind this love. What once was bliss has transformed. The love that filled now forces her to starve. An endless hunger that consumes, leaving nothing for this woman. This man has stripped her of all that she loved including himself. He has laughed at her sorrow and found comfort in her misery. His name rings like the angels of hell chatter in laughter. My heart breaks for her as she opens up to let me in. One foot after the other I step into her soul. My thoughts echo as I begin to connect with her sorrows. "Stop," catches her attention as I start to reason with her. "Only in her mind she believes "My children...I do whats best for them" Confusion fills her as she wakes to catch my gaze. "If your love/your life mean so little to you that you can just give it away, why should it mean any more to him?" I hear these words and reality sets in. "Really ?Can I not possibly in all my life provide which was never given to me to another soul?" I have met this woman in love. Alienated, starved, forgotten by love. I have seen into her eyes, felt her heartache, and visited her soul. This muse whose sorrow connects so genuinely with mine... is ME! I have given my life to a woman who so ubruptly disposed of it in mere hours. I have believed and made true all lies, All the lies I have told. I have accepted inferiority, for how can she value me more than I value myself? She cannot. I am worthless. And forever will I remain the nothing that was disposed of in hours...
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:05:02 +0000

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