I have sent this letter to our local papers to be published. I - TopicsExpress


I have sent this letter to our local papers to be published. I hope everyone takes time to read it and share it. Quit wasting my tax dollars! When are the people going to wake up? I have major problems with an article in the Athens Messengers November 19, 2013 issue, “Ohio attorney general launches new heroin unit.” The article states “The new heroin unit will be made up of investigators, lawyers, and drug abuse awareness specialists. It’s expected to cost the attorney general’s office an additional $1 million every year. DeWine says he’s unsure where those funds will come from and they were “gonna have to find it.”” Ask yourself this question. Why do we need their investigators? We on the county level do not need their investigators, we have our own county and local detectives! And we have some of the best in the state. Why do we need their lawyers? We don’t need their lawyers; we have our own city and county prosecutors. And we don’t need their drug abuse awareness specialists, we have our own! If the attorney general would quit wasting money on duplicating county efforts and fund our local health recovery agencies properly, our local health care and recovery professionals could address our local addiction problems. Quit duplicate programs already in existence! Quit wasting taxpayer monies! BCI&I, an arm of the attorney generals office already has a drug unit and the attorney general wants to start yet another drug unit. Ok attorney general, defund the BCI&I drug unit because the attorney general has obviously lost confidence in BCI&I if he needs a new one, imagine that! Defund the BCI&I drug unit if you’re going to spend an additional ONE MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS to reduplicate your own drug unit. The attorney general also said he is unsure where the monies are going to come from? The Sheriffs of Ohio know where this money will come from, our county budgets! Every time the attorney general duplicates a program counties already have, that money has to come from somewhere. When are people going to wake up? The state is part of the bigger problem, defunding the county level!!! $1,000,000.00 that could go to the counties to actually accomplish something. I bet Jack Frech at ACJFS or Keith Wasserman’s homeless shelters that feeds the hungry could use that ONE MILLION DOLLARS or maybe we could use the ONE MILLION DOLLARS to feed young kids in schools. Compare the efforts of YOUR own Athens County Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET) to any in the state and we come out on top. Education, Enforcement and Prevention, a recipe for success we have been using since I took office in 2009. When are the people going to wake up? When people, are you going to wake up? Patrick Kelly, Athens Counties outspoken Sheriff!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 17:51:44 +0000

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