I have so many problems with this experiment. The methodology - TopicsExpress


I have so many problems with this experiment. The methodology is pretty flawed (they dont consider a lot of things that have - thankfully - been criticised), and theyre trying to generalise a very specific population to that of the entire country: one experiment simply isnt sufficient for that. It needs to be repeated at least ten times for EACH of the following factors: weekday/weekend, morning/afternoon/evening, busy area/quiet area, open area/compacted area, areas frequented by young/middle-aged/old people, high/medium/medium-low/low population densities... AS WELL AS across several different regions. THEN it might be representative. Potentially. Then of course theres the fact that the girls didnt approach anyone for help. And if you watch the report, they look more bored/annoyed than lost - as if waiting for their parent to come out of a shop, or something (the pictures are literally the best examples of looking scared, and they dont look scared in the slightest). I hate these pseudo-scientific experiments, doubly-so when the researchers dont even bother to account for the sociological problems that mayve led to these results and simply jump on the this generation is made of monsters! hypothesis. Also in personal experience, old women are THE most ignorant people Ive ever come across. And Ive heard similar stories from many people. Theyll blatantly ignore you even when you ask for help. Ive actually received more help in my life from the random shady-looking ned than I have from old ladies. Does that mean all old women are the Devil? No. But then again, I actually understand the implications of knowledge and research, which is clearly something these researchers didnt bother researching. This entire experiment is so flawed, and not even that, theres no ethical reason for doing this. We KNOW why this sort of thing happens. Bystander effect, stranger danger (especially with regards to whats often perpetuated by mainstream feminism), among many other well-documented psychological and sociological phenomenons. Theres LITERALLY no valid reason for this experiment to exist. How did this thing even pass ethics? Did they even take it to an ethics board? Im betting, no. On that note, I also question the ethics of the way the experiment is being presented, from the exposing people as heartless with their faces in full view to the way theyre completely ignoring all other implications and publishing their findings with a hugely biased slant. But then again, it is ITN. I suppose I shouldnt expect any better.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:52:42 +0000

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