I have some foreign friends have been travel in Taiwan for a - TopicsExpress


I have some foreign friends have been travel in Taiwan for a while, when the day they were going back to their country, we gave each others hugs and kisses, reluctant feeling made us hard to say good-bye. The most impressive was a friends said 『Taiwan, you touch my heart!』 If we use Taiwanese Passion as a weapon, then we would have melted the hearts of people around the world several times already! 一些在台灣旅居大概一陣子的外國朋友,就在他們要回國的那天我們一起到了機場,除了互相擁抱依依不捨這些得來不易的友情之外,印象最深刻的是一位朋友說『Taiwan, you touch my heart!』 如果人情味也能當作一種武器,那我們早就把全世界人的心融化好幾遍了!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 17:16:07 +0000

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