I have some thoughts I would like to share about After-Time - TopicsExpress


I have some thoughts I would like to share about After-Time communities, or more specifically: survival communities. First thought right-off-the-bat is a name change to something like: Flourishing After-Time community or Thriving cooperative community for a new world, something along these lines, Im serious. Naming is a flash-point, a pattern-branding and if you want quality-value attributes in a community of people, its extremely important to have clarity about what you want and let the eventual name reflect those qualities. Surviving the Pole-Shift is not enough. Forethought on all aspects of an enterprise is essential to success right from the get-go. Associated colour is a highly-dynamic consideration and to take this to an even more creative place, you may even want to draw an icon representing your desired community. Also, an out-of-the-box idea would be to set an intention to see what kind of community you are drawn to now and take a pencil and paper and just start drawing, the results may surprize and enlighten you. If you dont like what you see, then draw something along the lines that you would like to be aligned with. Play with it. Of course your motivations, personal interests and needs should be often uppermost in your mind so that you attract others of like-mind rather than those of your past. We have that power over our lives: we need only begin to think in these terms. Its a bit like the 1989 movie: Field of Dreams where the now modern expression: if you build it, they will come originated. First frame-out your future with your imaginations full of the kind of situations, conditions, feelings and the kind of people you want to have in your After-Time, then allow your Life to fill in the blanks. Another idea I have is for a consideration of allowing a community to form around you. For this to happen consciously, you need to first be a community of one. Let me also say at this point, that it is perfectly fine to be a person seeking a community to join, these ideas are but for anyone who is attracted to consider. After-Time cooperative communities will form anyways, some by fortunate happenstance, others perhaps based on some formula (these formulas exist as co-op models) or others by some purely by chance at a terrific After-Time geographical location. But what we want to avoid is a community based on haphazard circumstances, neediness or fear which will inevitably attract manipulators and control-oriented individuals. Ultimately, the community that we are involved in will fit our needs including, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical conditions: this fact underlines the critical importance of seeking a community of conscious heart-centered values. Thriving after-Time co-operative communities will have to have rules and requirements for both joining and operation. Hierarchies need to be created based on reflecting the quality-values of the members, hopefully values of the heart. We need a set of laws: a judicial court or a committee of community security. The various needs of a community require a task-force to administer: membership, security/policing/application of law, home structures, community layout, wildlife interface, water/sewage treatment, path/roadway maintenance, trade and commerce facilitation and community disagreements to mention a few. I would caution anyone looking for a cooperative community of souls to avoid announcing the details of their readiness, such as equipment, material or more importantly: food reserves. As Ive said several times: Food and food production will be the new gold in the After-Time and the first thing survivors of the Pole-Shift will be looking for will be food. (By-the-way, since our group has more than 250 members, I cannot change its name, otherwise I would have changed it to: Thriving in the After-Time, but its against Facebook policy).
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 04:42:50 +0000

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