I have something I need advice, support, etc. about. Normally I - TopicsExpress


I have something I need advice, support, etc. about. Normally I hate to air or read personal problems on F.B., because I think peoples personal things are best kept away from here, but this is a hurtful problem as you who read it will see and I am posting it for the world, (and I did change my who can view setting to Public instead of friends for this situation, so I imagine if you comment, the public can see yours too, so be careful!) for several reasons. If I am offending anyone other than who its meant to offend, I apologize. Sooo, with that, here goes. OH...AND A SPECIAL FAVOR: IF anyone reading this knows the people or about this situation, PLEASE.. I beg you DO NOT to post or use their names or anything about them on FB. At least for now. Names will probably come soon. You can privately message me if you have any comment. Ok... Two people I know very, very well, that have been friends 30+ years are the people involved here. Person #1 who I will refer to as TP, prepares taxes for people from a home computer and has done this for several people for years from home. Person #2 who I will refer to as V for victim (and I will refer to both of them as Her) takes her yearly taxes for TP to prepare and has for several years now. V did not have to pay in, rather V was to get a return back from both federal and state. It was a very substantial amount. TP was supposed to have the tax return checks auto deposited into an account that V provided for her. For weeks, V kept checking the balance of the account the tax returns were supposed to be deposited in, and week after week..nothing. After several weeks and no money showing on the account, V confronted TP asking if she knew what the hold up was and why it was taking so long getting the returns. TP then fesses up and tells V that the returns had in fact been paid and deposited, but only in a different account...TPs Personal Bank account!!! And deposited Several Weeks ago! And the clencher....yep, you guessed....TP spent every single dime of Vs tax return money! I think at a Casino. And TP told V she has no money to pay V back the money!!! Needless to say V went into shock mode!!! Mad, sad, you name it! Absolutely in total disbelief that TP would do this!! And HOW could TP do this?? This is where I came into the picture because V came to me in hysterics asking what the hell to do next! V needs this money desperately and was counting on this money for her family in a big way!!! V raises two small children and is a single parent that struggles daily just trying make ends meet! Its so hard. Now, V is to get a little reprieval, a tax refund, a little break, and then this piss poor excuse for a human being, TP blows every dime of it! And TP having known V for years is fully aware of Vs financial struggles and STILL did it!! V has tried being understanding, but has told TP its a must that TP find a way to get money and get V paid back. At first TP was cooperative, and agreeable. Then TP learned that V had told a few close people what has happened, and TP told V that for telling others about the situation which made TP super pissed, (I say WAAA, frickin loser)and TP says screw ya to V and says V will not be paid a single dime back for telling a few people what was going on and smearing TPs name!! And TP has not given V anything!!! From that point on V has tried and tried to contact TP, but TP wont answer the phone, or texts. Nothing. just nothing. Nor will TPs better half, that is fully aware of the situation respond either. V has thought hard about what to do about this and has even threatened TP that she would go to the authorities about this, but being the kind of person V is, V is one that could never turn someone in for something like this, and regardless that a so called long time friend could shit on her and her family like this, V still just cant bring herself to turn TP in!! V says she simply just cant bring herself to do it!! V is aware that most likely if TP were to be arrested and prosecuted (and probably would be) it would surely be a Prison sentence for TP, and V just cant justify putting an old friend in prison over money. And V says putting TP in prison wont get Vs money back. So, I guess I kind of get that. Kind of. But when you are behind on rent, and your small childs Birthday is this weekend, and you cant afford to have a party or buy a gift because of this inconsiderate asshole, I am pretty sure I would think again about going to the authorities. I am now trying to be the mediator, finally, starting last night, mostly because I am worried to death about Vs health dealing with all this pressure. V has very high blood pressure and I would hate like hell for V to have a stroke or a heart attack! So..Its time to step in and try to help. Ive been texting, calling and messaging TP in a very kind and unthreatening way and sending all of what Ive said to her better half too. I have been explaining to them how bad V needs this money, and what their intentions were as to paying V back. If nothing else could they just pay something, for now, anything to help V so V can have a birthday party and get a gift for Vs child this weekend, but I have not got one single response from either of them. I have probably called, txted, and msgd TP and better half 15 to 20 times and not one single stinking response!!! None. OH...and did I fail to mention that TP and TPs better half have plenty of money. Or at least TPs better half does, but is not willing to bail TP out of this mess, but could do so and very easily!! So my last text to them stated that I am finally PISSED and over being friendly about this and that if V doesnt see some money by 4:00 today or if they choose to keep ignoring me when I have begged for some kind of an answer, that my next step would be to make this post on FB without their names for now, but to let the world know whats been done! I told them the only way to stop me from posting this is to contact me by 4pm today. BUT.. So far there is still no reply from them....Sooo.... I apologize that I have gone on and on, and this is way to long, but here it is, and now I am curious what some or all of you in FB land would do. How would you handle this situation?? What should we do??? What shouldnt we do??? And please dont tell me if it were you, you would shoot them or harm them in some way, because that is something none of us could or would ever, ever do...to anyone... no matter what!! Violence never solves anything and is simply out of the question! If its any consolation, I feel better just spilling my guts. Thanks for listening, or should I say reading! There may be more to follow, like maybe names, phone numbers and addresses if they dont contact me immediately with a game plan for some payment or payment plan for V! God Bless you all!!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 23:48:07 +0000

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