I have something on my mind this morning that troubled me enough - TopicsExpress


I have something on my mind this morning that troubled me enough to really think about it as I walked the dogs this morning. Not a whole lot really bothers me, to be quite honest. I look around and I see things in the world that trouble me and age has taught me there is only so much I can do and I try to do my part. I spread photos of animals in need, I use my FB page to try to educate people about issues going on in the world and sometimes people dont get my sarcasm but even that does not bother me. I quit living my life to make others happy the day I put my mother in the ground, to be honest. Over a week ago, someone on my friend list posted a meme of a skunk with the presidents face ghosted in the background. It said something like how is the president just like a skunk? Hes also half black, half white and everything he does stinks Now...that pissed me off royally for only ONE reason. It was racially charged. If you dont agree with his policy, fine...that is the reason that we have more than one party. I am sick and tired of this man being made fun of for his race, for having his birth certificate questioned when that wouldnt have NEVER happened to a white man, for being the product of a single mother and raised by grandparents, etc. How many of you are raising your grandkids? Ill tell you what, I can think of about ten of you on my list right now, just off the top of my head. A LOT of you have the blood of slaves in your family tree and dont know it or wouldnt ever admit it. How many of you can explain to me, scientifically, the reason for different skin colors in regions of the world and how many of you Christians can tell me off the top of your head withouth looking it up what language Jesus spoke? Because it sure as hell wasnt English! Who can tell me HOW MANY different interpretations of the bible there are and how many times it has been completely changed do to losses in translations and words that there are no other words for in various other languages? I spoke my mind on the persons wall and she did write to me a few days later and apologize...however, she pointed out that she didnt see the meme as targeting his race...only his policies. Ummm....okay, this is where I am troubled. Are we HONESTLY, as a society, SO wrapped up in our racism in the year 2014 that we still dont see it? WTF are you teaching your kids and grand kids?? Has our educational system HONESTLY failed this miserably? When we refer to ANY other human being as something that only reflects their color of skin, we diminish them as humans. In the end, we are all human and I honestly DO have a zero tolerance policy for this stuff. I will NOT stand there and allow you to talk about other human beings in front of me like that without getting called out. If you talk about them, then I am pretty sure you talk about ME too...because lets face it, EVERYONE likes to talk about gay people too. Im a human. The president is a human. His single mother who raised him was a human. We ARE ALL HUMAN! If you dont stop and think about the way you actually think and process information, theres a good chance that you are passing on racism with your own stupidity. I dont think it is funny to use slurs, I find it criminal to do that in front of children too. Hate, prejudice, racism and bigotry are all LEARNED behaviors. Stop passing them on! Being an idiot is also a choice. Read a book, pull your head out of your ass and look at the rest of the world once in a while. Stop accepting what you hear come out of a friend or spouses mouth. It is NOT OKAY. EVER.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:11:22 +0000

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