I have something to ask of you mummies, who here has a MCH nurse - TopicsExpress


I have something to ask of you mummies, who here has a MCH nurse promoting SIDS as cot death? I know when i had my first child it was promoted as such and even now after my second child, with new research it is still promoted this way. The MCH nurses all hand out safe sleeping brochures, i understand that it does help teach new/remind mothers the correct way to prepare a cot and the best way to lay your child. However SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome/ fatal sleeping accidents) does not always occur while asleep and the MCH nurses need to make mothers aware of this. Recently a friend of mine lost her 4week old, while he was AWAKE; one minute he was awake, crying and being burped and the next he suddenly died. The ambulance officers classified it as SIDS, a cause was later found. I write this for that very reason, when i helped tell people of the tragic death of such a sweet new baby most, including myself said i thought it could only happen while they slept all due to false information given to us. The SIDS association has a new classification called SUDC/ SUDI (sudden unexpected death in childhood/infancy) which includes SIDS and a death is registered as such when no known cause can be found after a autopsy and some still get classified as this when a cause is found. Ive looked all over the net and after reading everything, alot of information still comes down to safe sleeping. It frustrates the hell out of me for SIDS or SUDI not have more information out there. It frustrates me that MCH nurses arent giving proper information. There are no known causes for a sudden unexpected death in infancy to occur and there is no prevention either. Im not writing this to scare you, im writing this to make you and myself aware that SIDS is not cot death. Below are links to SIDS and SUCI information. sidsandkids.org/ m.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/mskpages/sudden_unexpected_death_in_infants_(SUDI_and_SIDS)?open
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 08:31:05 +0000

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