I have such wonderful and fond memories of Dame Anita Roddick - - TopicsExpress


I have such wonderful and fond memories of Dame Anita Roddick - working back in 1994 for an HIV/Aids support agency, supporting the needs of women and children within a larger organisation. I had put in an application for funding for complimentary therapies to address some of the side affects of the HIV treatments. A few weeks later reception buzzed through to me Anita Roddick on the phone - yeah right.. picking up the phone I answered good day Anita Roddick and then she spoke.. Anita Roddick here I would like to go through this application you have submitted and can you talk me through the benefits that there would be. I must have sat for what felt like hours in total disbelief... it was a start of an amazing journey with Anita and the work she did later for Body & Soul, becoming one of our first Patrons, in the very early days when HIV/AIDS was only hideous headline news. Personally she gently teased me out of my shell, giving me confidence in public speaking which I loathed but one her first challenges was to speak to The Body Shop national staff at Littlehampton Head Office. Jokes. I think of you so very often.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:52:38 +0000

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