I have such wonderful friends! I was gifted with two prebirthday - TopicsExpress


I have such wonderful friends! I was gifted with two prebirthday celebrations! I havent done anything this morning except read all the Happy Birthdays, over and over. God has done such a magnificent job of Jeremiah 29:11ing my holidays. I would start to plan something, but then when the time actually came something else way better happened. At Thanksgiving I started out the day before without an invitation or a plan to give a party. I was a little sad. But I dont think I consciously prayed about it, but I got to have Thanksgiving with one of my favorite pastors Harry Fleming , Rowena Fleming and their kids. Along with my daughter Nikki Li Apple, and her former Boyfriend whom I am very fond of Josh Martin, Mendoza Chris, my very dear friend, and meet two brand new People to my life Rebecca Yang, and her husband Xiong Yang. Rebecca an Xiong were such lovely people I look forward to seeing them again.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:18:53 +0000

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