I have sworn to remain politically neutral in my opinions and - TopicsExpress


I have sworn to remain politically neutral in my opinions and stand concerning the forth-coming elections, but the odds are tempting and probably prompting me to think otherwise. I have keenly followed the dramatic events and incidents that have rolled out in the course of the campaigns and politicking, and have decided finally to make my own non-partisan analyses. Events trailing the recent campaigns and politicking as are dramatized by the two major political parties in Nigeria (APC and PDP), actually point to the fact that the elections will leave an indellible scar in its wake. Much dust is already being raised as the two elephants (APC and PDP) battle for the Golden Fleece. Who wins at the end of the day is up to fate alone to decide. I will not be concerned with who emerges victorious, I will only be analyzing the odds as a professional journalist, leaving you (my friend) with the choice of drawing your conclusion in the open-ended discussion. General Muhammadu Buharis soaring popularity is reminiscent of Goodluck Jonathans mass acceptance in 2011 when he emerged victorious as the commander in chief. But the odds as we can see from the number of people speaking against the Jonathan government, do not appear to favour the president this time. He had the peoples co-operation in 2011 when he promised to restore fresh air to Nigeria, but has not been able to woo them again this time with all his promises. To the majority of the people, it is a case of once beaten, twice shy. It appears the president has a lot of scores to settle with the masses, hence his dwindling popularity. The Peoples Democratic Party appears to be standing on the threshold of a mass revolution that will send it on its way out of the corridors of power. I have often said that the problem with the leaders who fail to deliver on their promises is usually not with them, but with their political parties. Goodluck Jonathan would not have been seen to be the problem if he had been allowed to rule away from party inteference. The party meddled in all the affairs of governance, and distracted the president from doing his best. The party often called the shot as it was responsible for bringing the president to power (a case of he who pays the piper, detects the tune). Now, the president will have to fight tooth and nail to garner the much needed support necessary for bringing him back to power at the end of the February 14 presidential election. Now, looking at the odds in favour of General Muhammadu Buhari, I will say that the man is lucky to be contesting at a time of national upheaval. The many troubles that bedevilled the Jonathans administration ( eg. Boko Haram, unprecedented drop in oil price, the unemployment saga, the corruption charges and many more) have all together formed an exalted platform for him to stand on and campaign strongly against the present administration. He was the same Buhari who contested consecutively in 2003, 2007 and 2011. But why has he become this popular now than ever? I will say that the man has been learning all through those years of failing. He reminds me of Abraham Lincoln who failed severally before clinching the seat, and then asserted his victory to the experience he garnered over his years failing. He joined forces with other geo-political zones to form the APC and has a bigger and better fan base than when he contested under the defunct CPC, a party he single handedly founded. Secondly, the PDPs rash criticism of Buhari has produced the counter-effect of endearing him to the people. Instead of marring Buharis chances, the criticisms have only fetched him the peoples vote of sympathy. Ayo Fayoses recent advert against Buhari is one that has made the General more popular. If the people want a 72 year old to rule them, then they must have their wish at the end of the day as democracy is a government of the people.............. I will continue my analyses soon enough.......
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 05:25:40 +0000

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