I have taken 8 sleeping pills since my son Charly buried my - TopicsExpress


I have taken 8 sleeping pills since my son Charly buried my precious little Peepot and I still cant sleep. Why God did you take my little Peepot from me? He has never done anything wrong. Was it to punish me? I know God that I am not worthy of living but why couldnt you have taken me and let little Peepot live? My babies, Peepot, Harly, Roxie and Wittles is all I had left that needs me. My sons and daughters have their own families to care for and worry about and dont have the time to take care of me or watch after me and I understand and accept this. I can manage like I am. All I need is for Misty to take care of me as she has been doing the past three years. I can deal with that. I can also understand that my children and my grown grandchildren also have their own families to worry about. I have children and grandchildren I havent seen in years and I can understand and accept their reasons for doing so. But I, for the sake of my God I chose to worship, cannot understand why You would take something so dear to me and knowing that it meant so much to me, and I having to watch him die in my arms. I know God what I have done to deserve the punishment, but Peepot never has done anything but try to survive all of his entire life. I cant walk, I cant talk well, I am just a shell of a man who is trying to survive for my babies sake. That too much to ask God? They NEED me. Especially Harly. Am I going to be punished to the point that I will have to watch all my babies die while I hold them in my arms. God, as I watched Peepot take his last few breathes, I got to the point that I thought about shooting him so he didnt have to suffer anymore and then turn the gun on my self.....but them Harly would have been a orphan with no one, Harly would have still had Roxie and Wittles but I am sure no one in my family could possibly take on another pet to raise and Harly would be the one that would be given to someone and he wouldnt survive long without me and or, Roxie and Wittles. That is all he and Peepot knew God. Me, his brother Peepot, and his cousins Roxie and Wittles. I firmly believe that pets have souls and pets go to Heaven so if I get down and know there is no hope for me as far as living goes, would it be wrong for me to take Harlys life so he dont suffer without me to care for him and to keep Harly from being separated from the only ones he was raised with and known? I personally believe that when my pets die the automatically go to Heaven and let me explain why to all who read this. The reason they automatically go to Heaven is because a loving and merciful God has ordained it that way. Our pets have never had a "plan of salvation" like you and I have had. WHY? Because they do not need it; they are innocent and have not fallen from grace. They were created in an innocent state. Adams sin was passed upon all MEN(humans) according to Romans the 3rd chapter, I believe. It doesnt say sin was passed to the animals. They are, however, part of Gods creation that is under the curse caused by Adams sin. In Genesis it says God looked at all He created andHe told Adam that He had given him a perfect environment. He said, "every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps upon the earth wherein their is LIFE....and we all know that life means soul, so in other words, He has given His "animal creation", a soul. God gave to Adam all the the animals He created out of the ground to name. Adam named every living creature, (creature also means Nephesh, or soul) so Adam named every soul. So if you ask me if our pets go to Heaven, I just proved to you, according to the bible we are to live by, "that all of our pets who have died, are waiting for us in Heaven". I just glanced in my bedroom and seen where Harly is laying in the same spot that Peepot always slept in, and NEVER before had Harly ever done this. When I let Harly out to potty a few minutes ago, all he done was run to the fence where my son Charly buried Peepot and just stood there for a few minutes looking at Peepots grave site, and then without ever using the bathroom, which he always does at this time of the night, whined at the door, came back in ady tried to cover himself with Peepots blanket, like Peepot use to do, but he didnt quite get it done right like Peepot did. When Little Peepot got done it looked like I wrapped him in his blanket. I have been typing for about two hours and the tears are still, quite heavily, still rolling down my cheeks. All I ask of you God, if you must choose a Riney to die, please choose me, and not Harly. Harly is all I have left now to call "my own". I have Roxie and Wittles, but they are my sons dogs. And the need me too. Please dont let them get split up if I should die in my sleep God. Is that too much for a old man to askof you? I hope not God. Thank you God for giving me the strength to carry on. Please give me the strength not do something real stupid God as Little Tanner needs me too. I love you God but I must admit I am mad at you for taking my Precious Little Peepot from me. Rest in Peace Peepot. Daddy, Harly, Roxie and Wittles will never get over losing you. We love you and miss you our little Peepot. Tell Muffins, Scraps, Rusty, Alex,and our other pets that Daddy loves them all dearly. I love you Peepot. Daddy loves you dearly. Good night Baby Peepot...Talk to you soon.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 06:34:24 +0000

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