I have taken the liberty of sharing two pictures posted below this - TopicsExpress


I have taken the liberty of sharing two pictures posted below this post. I recommend reading this post first before looking at the pictures to understand what you are viewing. Five years ago when my parents passed, I dealt with it in my own way. That way, meant staying busy doing the same as I always have...refinishing furniture. I had just designed a massive entertainment unit for my husband to construct at the same time we were remodeling the home we had purchased in Texas. He had finished putting it together the week my mother passed. All during that week he had been working on the construction of the unit, I kept getting the thought that my mother’s sign for me when she wanted to come through to me for validation would be the dragonfly. I decided that after going outside to think and talk to her several times, I would be bombarded by this one dragon fly. It took me a few times of conversing with my mother to realize that this insect always appeared when I was unloading on her all that I felt since her passing. It never failed to appear (although, Im sure it wasnt the same one) when I was speaking to her. Knowing the next step in our project was my department of the project, I decided to just keep busy and finish our creation of the unit. I would sand, stain, and poly the unit until I was satisfied with the look I wanted to create. I took my time, deep in thought, dealing with the loss of my mother who I had just seen in Florida two weeks before. Her passing had been unexpected for me. I took my time...for while working on it I felt my mother’s presence all around me. I chatted nonstop to her about everything and anything. I just didnt want to break the spell of feeling her close by. I slowly hand rubbed the wood, enjoying the smells of oil, saw dust, and the feel of solitude. My mother had the same creative streak I do, and this was a project that would have been right up her alley. I felt like we were doing it together. At last, the final night after the last coat of linseed oil had been applied, I inspected my work. I went over every inch of it to look for missed spots, or defects. Im a perfectionist, with an eye for detail so no detail eludes me. I was satisfied with the outcome and I went into the house to shower, for it was very late in the evening. When I got up the next morning to check to see if the unit was dry, I walked around the whole thing, examining everything when I made a startling discovery. The unit was covered with dragonflies. Not live ones. The grain itself. Everywhere you looked, they were there. Flying...wings outstretched. All over the top to the bottom were large flying dragon flies. I couldnt believe it. I had gone over this piece with a fine tooth comb the whole time working on it and there had been no sign of them anywhere. Only a few beautiful knots showed the night before. Now, I was surrounded by dragonflies! I was so infused with awe and wonder that I couldnt wait to show everyone what had happened. After that, I was getting gifts of dragonflies from people who had no idea why they felt compelled to buy them for me. My husband’s mother who had no idea at the time what this symbol meant brought me one from Mexico for Christmas. She relayed that she contemplated buying it for me, decided not to and then went back to the vendor because she felt compelled to get it for me. It was beautiful...I was very touched to receive it. The gifts of dragonflies still continue now. What I am trying to explain is that for some reason I seem to get messages and symbols from the wood that I have so painstakingly worked on. The dragonfly unit was the first of three very important symbols that I would get. The second sign was the Angels Gabriel and Michael showing themselves to me after I asked Spirit and God to show them to me. I know I touched on this previously rather vaguely without much detail because of the way it happened and my ability to explain what I had really seen. I have to go into more detail of this event now in order for you to understand what Im talking about in the third sign in the next paragraph of this post. As you all know already I asked for their appearance while tucking the little one in and within a minute or two of that request I did indeed hear the tinkling of small bells. Very fine, dainty bells. They jangled one time for me. I tried to debunk the sound to something else as I searched my little ones room for anything that could have caused such a noise. Like I said Im a detail girl and always like to figure things out to my satisfaction. I found nothing to explain the sound I had just heard and then made my way to my room to join my sweet husband for some our time. He had just left the bedroom to reheat some leftovers from dinner when I paused the telly for his return, my vision started to become blurred. Seriously blurred, but then clear. As it cleared I could see a small white light in the center of my vision that began to descend towards me. It was coming at a very quick, steady rate until it took up my whole scope of vision. It appeared as a large white ball of light. As I was just processing what I was seeing it exploded into what seemed like hundred of particles of light and then just vanished. I focused my eyes and called for my husband because the surges that were coursing through my body were unlike any other I had ever experienced before. They consumed me. I had difficulty remaining composed as they coursed throughout me over and over again with no relief. I yelled again for my husband as I could hear the microwave running in the kitchen, which is right outside our bedroom. He is hard of hearing due to spending countless hours working on commercial fishing boats with unbearable loud engines in his ear most days. I glanced at the telly but it was still paused for his return when I glanced at the door of the entertainment center (another unit I refinished many years ago, as my first project) and couldnt believe what I saw. The wood itself on the door started to take motion. The grains swirled and it seemed to be alive. It became three dimensional (nope...no mushrooms ingested by me) and began to morph. That is the only word I can find to describe what was happening. I was really freaked out by then and just couldnt believe my eyes. A face then formed in the wood in three dimensions. The minute it formed I knew who the face belonged to. The Angel Gabriel...no doubt in my mind and then as the surges were still wreaking their havoc on me I heard Spirit say Be calm my child. Gabriels face then morphed once again. This time It was the same face but with one eye and an empty socket on the other side with a fine line running under the eye, down the rest of the face. That spooked me. I thought oh my...is this a good sign? I think not. Staring at it in silence, it changed again. More morphing occurred and this time when the movements stopped there was another image before me. Michael in his entire splendor. It was unreal and beautiful at the same time. He had no clothes on that I could tell. His massive chest connected to very well formed arms and right where his shoulders ended there were massive wings. All I could see was his torso and up. That is all that appeared. The surges were still radical and Spirit once again said dont be afraid. Easier said than done if you ask me. My husband then entered the bedroom with his plate of food and I couldnt even say a word. My eyes were glued to the entertainment center. Next thing I know after my husband spoke to me Michael was no longer three dimensional at all anymore. Just an image left in the wood... like an imprint of sorts. I lay back on the bed and covered my eyes just to get my sanity back for a second and thats when I heard classical music playing. My very favorite piece as a matter of fact. I got off the bed, walked to the door and inched my head out into the kitchen to see if someone had put my C.D. in the player. Nothing. I heard it for a good thirty seconds before it just faded away. I continued to have those surges for about an hour until my nerves settled and I could tell my husband exactly what had taken place. He was very worried and I was still really shaken up. The next morning when I connected with my main guide is when I was told the line I will never forget...from your lips to Gods ears. Gabriels missing eye socket was explained. I was told that every time I get validation on something that occurs I doubt it and continue to search for some other explanation. My message was to stop turning a blind eye on everything Im being shown. Trust in myself and God. When I heard that, the image made perfect sense to me because I do question everything that I am shown to death. The imprint stayed in the wood. I didnt have the presence of mind to take a picture of it then, and no one got a chance to see it because the girls had just left and wouldnt be back for two weeks on their next visit. For several nights I would just look at it and not know what to make of it all. Now, well move on to the third incident that happened about a week later. In the spiritual realm there IS much talk and love going around about Jesus. I get a lot of messages where he is mentioned over and over again. I have never really had a handle on the whole Jesus issue. I knew he existed, and was great humanitarian with many abilities. I have been still on the fence about his exact role. (Just being honest here.) One morning after receiving an unusual message from Spirit the night before I asked Jesus (yes, i spoke to him directly, without the assistance of Spirit) to show himself to me. I was half joking, half serious, and didnt give it another thought for the rest of the day. After the little ones tuck in routine, I did the same thing I always do. Join my hubby for our time. This time we were both in the room at the same time. Thank Heaven. I glanced at the imprint of Michael (it makes me feel comforted and safe) and something caught my eye. Motion....Oh Lord, I thought, here we go again! No bells this time. No brilliant white light. Just swirling wood grain and then a face morphed, just as before. No angels this time. What first appeared was the form of a man’s face. Not looking at me directly but toward my bedroom door, which is sideways. It stayed that way for a few moments and then he turned his head and looked at me dead on. As this was happening, I was relaying everything to my husband next to me asking if he could see it too. As my husband started to stand to look at the unit, the image started to pull back. Like he was moving backwards away from me. I could see the face getting smaller than it had been. I was describing this as well to my husband who said I can see something. The next instant the three dimensional look was gone but I could still see the image of the face I had seen. Frozen in the wood so to speak. I jumped off the bed to get a closer look and it was still there! My husband couldnt believe that he was seeing what had been left behind as validation. I told him I thought it was Jesus. He asked me why I would think that. I admitted to him that I had asked for him to come through the same ways as Gabriel and Michael. He then peered at it again and said you know this wasnt here before. I know, I yelled, Michael was there and now he’s hard to see now that this is here. I then noticed in front of the face to the left side there was a shadow figure (full body image) of an angel as well. We were a bit freaked. I had been examining that door for the past week looking for any changes. I wasnt sure if Michaels image would stay or not, so I just kept going over it again and again. My husband then says, Ya know, it sure does look like Jesus. The imprint stayed and that night Spirit told me I had gotten my validation of Jesus. Some validation, he even left a calling card. I took a picture of what was left after the unit went back to normal mode. The imprint as I call it. I have showed my daughters and a friend I had visit that spotted it right off the bat. She also knows about the other imprints as well. I am posting it with this post to share. I tried to take a better pic but the flash kept blocking the image. I am no photographer, but I hope it is clear enough to view. Look at the top right hand corner side of the panel of the black outline. Also look to the left of that at the angel image next to the face. The image is more defined when looking at it from a slight distance. You come to your own conclusions. Someone came through and showed themselves to me. It just seems a bit of a “coincidence” (and we all know by now in the universal sense there are no such things as a coincidence), that the morning I asked for Jesus to show himself to me in the same manner as the others, this happened that same night. I’m not asking you to believe it…Just sharing as I did with the Angel encounter. If this is Jesus, I feel it is my responsibility and duty to share my experience with all of you.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 17:32:11 +0000

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