I have the feeling when we cross over, it will make sence. every - TopicsExpress


I have the feeling when we cross over, it will make sence. every last detail. The Creator of Us isnt trying to condemn us anymore, that died with crucifixion of Christ, as the story is told, that ourselves by our own behavior and motives keeps us from accepting God back into ourselves, back into the soul. life is so quick, experiances so little, but while we are in a body, we need to decide what it is that real life is for. I do feel He/She is wanting us to raise back up to our rightful place before our souls at the beginning rebelled, and fell into separation. and by learning of the Son Lord teachings, I believe begins the process of opening up the healing of the soul, to the love that makes the best, for lack of a better term, magic in life. as from a child I remember feeling in my heart that the story was not like a movie, or tv, or make believe, but was a history of what happened once upon a time in the real world. as I grew I thought every body felt the same, growing up in a family culture does that to our minds, then you find out, your the odd man out. one way or the other, your abnormal to the outside world, however I didnt understand it. the pieces to the puzzle trying to fit together, and even though I could choose to just be told what to believe, I wanted reason, more then faith, even though I believe its all that is nessesary. I know, like any scientist, there is a cause then there is an effect. then theres dominos. I wanted to find the whole theology. ive only taken it serious serious (which if you know me, its probably not very serious still, but still more serious then most, seriously) and as I learned spiritual implications in life, I often find new meanings, and I have not come across a credible source of debunking, albeit I know many passages that can cover most skeptics retorts, not off the top of my head usually, that must be the weed resin up there taking a toll, and its a biiiiiiig book, lots of lines, but as I read it as not a skeptic, just some believe find history to my faith. which was the best education I could ask for. showing me the vanity of possessions, the snares of foolishness, astrology, and the righteous win of the heros of lore. the climax of Christ teaching and dying for mankind so that we may find heaven on earth, within the mind. victory over the old world came at the hands of the old worlds priest. and the renewal of the spirit of humanity, prophecies like some fantasy in a real world documented history book, miricles as proof of caring love of the Father for humanity. all humans, the good and the bad and the ugly. science that attempts to debunk the history of the isrealites, and converting many skeptics slowly to the truth or the way. how every body I know and all the heros and even the villians, share a common bonds and hopefully the same destination (i wouldnt want anyone to be caught in the place known as hell, be it a fire lake or an endless shadow) maybe for like a time out, but not always) and the philosophy deeply intrenched throughout history, and its as if every man is in a struggle with will i be a good man, or will i be a selfish man or woman, even though i think it could be different for woman, like they may have a free pass. something jesus said about not condemning women, however still subject to karma (kinda complicated theories that pull together) and even if i dont get it figured out to a tee, which is what i kinda would love, because then when unbelieving skeptics ask questions or tease my faith, i could just say the right idea at the right time, a treat i do still get from time to time, although its more like it fits to a Z. so i walk with an open mind to the experiances of life, look for the blessings in the weeds, forget about the vanities, and try and pan for gold. it comes at different rates. but if anyone reading this would like to talk, i try to make sense and im not a persecutor. im not out to make anyone feel stupid for not believing in what i believe in, even though to me, nothing could in the long run be worse for your mental/physical health. and there are answers, and there are viewpoints. i have opinions, not facts. theology, not laws. and who knows, maybe we can help eachother to make some heaven on earth sometime, if only we knock on the right doors and follow the right clues, like Scooby Dobie Do. if people are about listening and not preaching, i invite you to join some conversation. sit down in peace, share some thoughts, how ever the fall out yo mouth. i am only trying to be a humanitarian. i really am rooting for us all. cause it this can change others like it changed me, maybe negativity will pass on, and we can work at being the human family that wants to live together, that trust living together, that works plays and wins everyday in the end. yes i know, sounds really hippy, i dont give 2 shits, its just words, and i choose to try and make mine real. which the real world me has a hard time with, but writing is really good for me and what style i am. my style is kinda like a shotgun spread, so bear with me, i cant get all of whats in my head out at once, it comes one word at a time, like anyone. well fingers cross. live ong and prosper. peace.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:38:46 +0000

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