I have these dreams...big dreams. Dreams so big they scare me and - TopicsExpress


I have these dreams...big dreams. Dreams so big they scare me and I get freaked out and I tame them down. I tell myself I cant, that its just too hard, that I wont make it and Ill fall on my face and be embarrassed in front of the world. Then, I make my dreams smaller and more achievable. And then I think, wait, thats crazy! We are capable of HUGE things...and with Christ ANYTHING is possible, so why on EARTH would I settle for anything less than GREAT things and BELIVE in things possible OUTSIDE myself and reach for the STARS? I dont believe that those movings, those dreams that we each have inside of our soul are meaningless. I think there is purpose behind them. So, Im going to ask the Good Lord for guidance and clarity, then do what I do best...Im going to give it all Ive got. If I chase the stars and fall somewhere among the heavens, Im calling it a win ;)
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:20:42 +0000

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