I have this idea. I want to do something for my friends here. I - TopicsExpress


I have this idea. I want to do something for my friends here. I want to be able to say something about them. Its difficult, you know, because some Ive known forever and some, really, I barely know, and some, to be very honest, I might only know because I became a dating person again when I left my marriage, and then I became a dating person yet again about a year ago. Still, whether it was fate, or school or the strangeness of life that threw us together, I appreciate all of you more than you know. Im still reading and rereading what you wrote to me yesterday. It brings tears and smiles and chuckles and guffaws and — Id all-cap this if I was an all-cap guy; oh, what the hell — IT IS SUSTAINING. So, I want to celebrate you with each other. Also, putting words together is something I do well. I want to do it for you guys. So, I hope this works. Also, feel free to comment. I do love the comments. --------------- So, Chris Bright is probably my best friend in the world. I may not be his best friend but I know Im way up there. Really, hes an older brother. He moved into the neighborhood, I think, when I was 7 and he was 9, our house being between his and Cody Barnetts, Chris cousin. Anyway, he was there when my first real girlfriend broke up with me at Trinity and many times before and many times since. I promise that nobody you know plays the piano better than he does (and I can still tell you where the guy who taught him — Mr. Stone — used to live). Hes never not been there for me. Ever. Theres one thing I love about him thats maddening, too. Im a funny guy. Its part of my identity. Im quick. Hes quicker. Around him, I have my funny lines ready to go, but because hes faster, I dont get them off. But its all right. Many times, Id have been lost without him. Richard Warner, basically, hired me at Coits. If I talk to him now, he calls me Clay, but frequently, he used to call me Horning. Part of me has regretted not having a cool last name, but Richard made it work. He once DJd an hour at 96x, and I cant remember the playlist, but I know Sympathy for the Devil was on it. Shannon Patton I know because a mutual friend of ours, Rob Davy, would just drive both of us bananas during the election. Hes a big Romney guy. Anyway, I engaged Rob with glee and Shannon and I decided to become friends. Strength in numbers and all that. Rob, by the way, just lost his mother, so prayers for him, too. Bobby Baird was and may still be a P.E. teacher at Westminster, who got there, I think, my eighth grade year. Maybe my seventh grade year. He was my last baseball coach, and was just a guy everybody liked. Pretty sure he still is. I dont think Im one of those guys. You really have to know me. I think you only have to meet Bobby. Christy Knight Emig is the wife of Guerin Emig, who I dont think is on Facebook. Guerin worked for me at The Transcript and now covers OU for the Tulsa World and, more importantly, is my best friend in the sportswriter business. Christy is super cool and, a long time ago, a one-semester classmate (I think it was just one semester) of mine at Trinity. Murray Evans is another sportswriter you began reading in the Oklahoman, gosh, at the very end of the 80s, maybe. Anyway, Im profane, claim no team or destination on Sunday morning and a big-time liberal. Murray is not any those things, but hes one of the best people I know and its always pleased me so much that I have his friendship. Its sort of a reminder to me that I cant be all bad. Shannon Fields is one of the coolest people youll ever sit down and meet if youre lucky enough to get the chance. And shes a writer in her off hours because she has the bug, and shes really good at it. She has the enthusiasm that I think I used to have. Bully for her. Regina Dowling I knew at McGuinness and — I dont know how meaningful this will be to her because shes sort of made a living as an actress/host/beautiful presence in front of the camera — but shes the best Sandy Ive ever seen and I still thought Olivia Newton John was terrific. Laura Stringer Lane I never knew well at McGuinness, but it made us Facebook friends and I think shes allowed me to turn her on to the greatness of the Marc Maron WTF Podcast, which is indeed a great gift. To her, maybe. But to me, for allowing me to give her something. Deirdre Maye Newcomb I may have more contact with on Facebook than when we actually knew each other in high school, but Im moved and touched that she sent me the message she did. It was more locker room motivation than sweet … which I found to be really, really sweet. Dyann Dolan Godown I hardly knew at all at McGuinness, but when I went trolling for Facebook friends when I left my marriage, looking to be filled back up again, she was there, and has been supportive in all things since. Shes appreciated more than she knows. Cathey Luna I knew at McGuinness, too. You know how there are some people you know well and others you wish you knew well. Cathey would be in the latter camp. Shes probably hearing this for the first time. I thought you were really cool in high school, and I believe you still are. Heather Kaighn Thomason Heather, Im wiping tears away. Heather spotted a picture of me with NHS fans screaming at me from inches away, and me smiling in front of them. It may be here on FB. Anyway, she gave me a hard time about the perception in Norman that I favored Norman North over NHS. And now shes not only one of my favorite people, but one of the best people I know, and just ridiculously tough for all the things shes had thrown at her. And, shes so connected in this town, shes actually been able to give me the gift of understanding I occasionally make an impact with the things I write. Its so easy to write in a vacuum, but shed delivered me out of it. And, I think she took the best picture of me anybodys ever taken. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Heather. Nissa Blair Shakocius is Jingles roommate. Well, was Jingles roommate at Trinity. Jingles going to to appear here in a moment. But when I became close to Jingle, I got Nissa in the bargain, and Nissa is super cool. Her husband Aarons pretty cool, too, and I was there when it began. Andrew Knittle is at the Oklahoman. Investigations, I think, is his beat. Anyway, he honed his skills at The Transcript and I still refer back to him when trying to offer new news people advice on working their beat and pursuing the stuff thats important to them and our readers rather than being trapped in the stuff editors want off their desk because theyre getting too many phone calls. Hes really good at this journalism thing. Ann Switzer Bloomfield I might have known a little better at McGuinness than Cathey, but not a whole lot better. But shes in the same boat. Always thought she was cool and so happy shes a friend here. Deitra Walkley Macey is a totally cool chick. Somehow, that seems to get the point across, and shes been very good to me, and may be good to me in the future. I think she owes me a dinner. Kate Barry is my friend because we have Angela Peterson Ford in common. I fell in love with Angela at least once before she died — cancer — on Christmas Day, 2013. For my McGuinness friends who remember, Angela was the girl from the cruise senior year, who has enriched me so much by coming back into my life the last five or six years. Angela is — I WILL NOT WRITE ABOUT ANGELA IN THE PAST TENSE — just a fantastic, wonderful and great person who loves me and I miss her every day. And Kate has been wonderful, accepting me into her circle with Angela. Being accepted by her has been great gift. Stacy Smallwood Whitmarsh is Steve Whitmarshs wife, yet another Bishop McGuinness connection. I dont know Stacy well, but I so appreciate her that, despite not knowing her well, here she is, being so thoughtful on my behalf. So cool. Beth Alexander Rinaldi is right there with Cathey and Ann and, I think, they might have all been close to each other at McGuinness. Anyway, you know who should run the world? Cool, good women. People like Beth, Cathey and Ann. Tina Metivier-Perius is a McGuinness connection, but only friended me yesterday. Just in time. You know how I said I find my faith in other people. Well, I wrote what I wrote, Tina saw it, here she is. Connection. A small one, but still. Because it is all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all … about connection. Promise. Ryan Welton became my friend when I delivered pizza at Pizza Shuttle and he was the DJ at Opies AFTER I had already graduated from Trinity. See? My road hasnt all been peaches and cream. Ryan, by the way, is a fantastic smooth Jazz musician. Honestly, the guys incredible. Look him up. And hes a great guy and Im glad hes still my friend. Cecilia Minden was my first speech teacher and competitive speech coach at McGuinness and heres how I think she remembers me: If David R. Quinn and Clay would just apply themselves, I think they could win trophies. Anyway, I think, Cecilia has won life. Remember how its all about connection? When I see her posts, which usually involve her husband, thats what I think. Christian Potts used to work for me at the paper. Hes at the Pioneer Library System now, but hes a fantastic stringer you can count on to write clean, fast and well. And hes one of those people, like Murray, who is just quintessentially good. Susan Stroemel Graham touched my heart with what she wrote to me yesterday and I will not forget it. And you know what? I think she might have been close to Cathey, Ann and Beth, too. You guys were so ahead of the game in high school. M. Scott Carter might be our states very best journalist. He just went to Oklahoma Watch, where hell continue to make a difference. My dream for him is somehow, because hes just so damn good, the Oklahoman will hire him away, make him a front-page columnist, and hell actually change the way our state looks at things. Hes better than the Oklahoman, of course, but it has so much reach, and I wish he could reach everybody. Jingle Joline Robinson I could write a book about. When I graduated from college, I think she was one of my best three friends in the world, Chris Bright and Brent Cooper being the other two. And then, because it was awkward or some awful and stupid reason, I didnt have any contact with her for something like 11 years and I beat myself up about it all the time. Words of wisdom? Take your friends with you, even if its awkward. Anyway, shes back in my life and I am so much better for it. Shes a great, great, great person. Love you Jingle. Angela Buckelew Coyle, thank goodness, is not somebody I just knew in high school, but a real friend. I may have missed the boat on Cathey, Ann, Beth and Susan, but not Angie. I have this vague memory of talking about Led Zeppelin with her. She said IV was her favorite Zeppelin album and I told her I thought II was the best. Then she said, Well, IIs great, which i thought was awesome. Also, I can tell you her high school musician crushes: Robin Zander, Billy Squier, Mick Jagger. I may not have known a cooler chick than Angie back then. And, really, maybe now. Sarah Nichols Whitmarsh I knew through my sister and through McGuinness and she married into the class of 86, which is how I was talking to her for the first time in a long time a few years ago. Totally cool, and we both like the Pet Shop Boys. That probably means she likes New Order, Echo and Depeche Mode, too, which would make her even more cool. Carol Cole-Frowe also worked at The Transcript and is right there with Scott Carter. Shes had bylines all over the world, is a fellow adjunct, and she seems to like me, despite what others around her might have thought. Im richer for it. Amanda Cooley Cooper is Brents wife. Brent wont be on this list because he didnt need to post on it. Still groggy from the anesthesia, Brent was the first person I called from my hospital room. Theyre a great couple and I need to get back in their living room in Boca Raton. Its sort of a miracle they got together, but the world is better because of it. Liz Ogle was buds with Janet Gernhauser and Kristen Laudick at McGuinness (hope I spelled the names right). And — sort of telling the world for the first time — even though I had a crush on Kristen (or was it Kirsten, geez, I should know), Liz is the one whos become my friend. I think I win. Very cool. Lisa Kivel I didnt know well at all in high school, but I got to know her well at our last reunion. Again, Im going with totally cool chick to describe her. And Im pretty sure she built a business out of nothing, which is something I could never do. David Poush isnt a FB friend, but a friend of friends whos read a couple of my posts, and Im pleased theyve proven meaningful to him. In his note to my last post, he said he saw some sort of mean thing about me on the old Bridge everybody painted in high school. Does anybody recall what it said? I never knew and knowing might have raised my clout in high school. Jennifer Barger, just hearing from her made me cry. Jen and I dated freshman year at Trinity and then knew each other all four years. One of her best friends, Katherine Claasen, I had a supercrush on, but she was always with Ken Sissingh. Whatever. Also, Jens father is my favorite professor of all time, Hal Barger, who taught, among other things, Is America Governable. Anyway, Jens at the Washington Post (I have another friend like that, too). Oh, and I have to say this, you will never, ever, forget Jens voice. You just wont. I havent. But, most of all, Im so pleased I still know her. Shes another one Im sort of proud of myself for knowing. Kirsten Dieter, I have to say it like this, I didnt like in high school. Probably, its because I didnt know her. People have so many layers. We learn that as we get older, and if were enlightened, we remember it beyond the abstract. But heres the thing, and Kirsten, I want you to know this, when Ive seen you at the reunions, Ive really liked you and Im really happy youre my friend here. Really. Very happy. Timothy Doyle might have been on a baseball team of mine, but I knew him from McGuinness and from his being Cody Barnetts best friend. He used to drive Leah Westmoreland, our German teacher, crazy in highs school. Many think theyre hilarious. Tim is hilarious. Hank Stuever might just be the most talented and gifted long-form newspaper man in the country. Hes at the Post, too, where he succeeded Tom Shales, who may have invented TV criticism. Still, dont let gifted and talented fool you. I remember Hank in high school being Mr. Newspaper Guy. This is what he wanted to do, he always knew it, and hes become one of the very best at it. Written some books, too. He actually complimented my writing yesterday. My pride swelled. I win statewide awards, Hank competes for Pulitzers. Also, I dont know what Hank would say about this, but if youre a child of the 80s, or see yourself that way, you REALLY want to read him. Its like reading about yourself. Matt Franklin is proof that you can make a living playing poker in this world AND not give up all of your sportswriting chores. Ive tried to follow in his footsteps. Ive been profitable, but only just. I cant quit the day job. Anyway, Matts a great guy, too, sort of like Murray and Christian. A good guy, with the emphasis on good. Marti Long was one of my first dates when I became single again a little more than a year ago. We were going to see each other again. Something happened. Lifes like that. But shes still here. I love that shes still here. Anyway, shes super cool, super industrious, like I gave her a hard time about how much she works, but shes always been nice to me and Ive always been happy our paths crossed. Mark Hager is like David Poush; not a FB friend but a friend of a friend. Hanks friend, actually. And I love that Ive won his words of encouragement. Every connection counts. Write it down. Peggy Nelson Laizure is the widow of Jerry Laizure, who was a fixture at The Transcript forever. Peggy worked there, too. And heres the thing about Peggy. Shes nicer than you are. Shes nicer than me. Shes nicer than everybody. Not many like that. Spencer Stone is the man in OKC. I dont even think I can afford to shop in his shop, but hes still the man. The last time I saw him, two things. One, he talked to me for like an hour, and was really good to me, like maybe he read me, but it was so cool and so nice because Spencer and I never knew each other well. But we found ourselves at the same party where I knew about five people and he knew everybody, but he kept me company for a long time. It was great. Two, he told me when his business was in L.A., he dressed Vin Scully. Well, thats like dressing Babe Ruth or grooming Secretariat. So, Spencers a super guy. Also, though I didnt know him well in high school, I knew he had style. Still does. Sydney Bright Warren is Chris sister. Ive always known Sydney well because Ive always known Chris well. When Sydney sees you, shes going to do three things. Even if shes walking toward you, her last step to you will seem hurried, like she couldnt wait to talk to you. Then, whether she did or didnt, shes going to convince you that, yes, she couldnt wait to talk to you. Finally, shes going to laugh. Isnt it great when your best friends sister is cool, too. Michele Strategier McDonald, though not a FB friend, sought me out this morning and sent me a message and I really appreciate it. Shes my former sister-in-law. How cool is that? Anyway, her daughters are Erin and Lauren and Erin is a bit of a softball playing stud. I actually had Erin in one of my stories recently. Again, how cool? ------------------ Thats it. Everybody. Thank you so much. Think of me, believe in me, pray for me. I want to be the guy you still know 30 years from now who wrote about all of you the day after he broke the news. Thats what I want. Dont forget. Its all about connection. All of it. Thank you all.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:23:47 +0000

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