I have thought the same thing. Now I look at America. Hitler - TopicsExpress


I have thought the same thing. Now I look at America. Hitler brought about desperate times and blamed the Jews for all Germanys problems. He destroyed their economy. He used this as an excuse to declare martial law and take total control of the country. One by one our rights are being taken away. The sovereignty of this country is being handed over to the UN. Churches can be sued for preaching against sin and political corruption. Obama is taking over and nationalizing private corporations. They are forcing Americans to buy health care and the IRS is in charge of enforcing the rules. If you do not enroll, they have the right to fine you and they have legal access to your accounts. They are doing everything they can to take away our guns. Obama and his minions are doing everything they can to destroy this country. Once our guns are gone, we are SOL! Look at Hitler, look at obama. What would ever make anyone follow either one of them, but they are! They played the blame game. Hitler blamed everyone he hated. Obama is using us against you. He is blaming the Rich, the Tea Party, the republicans, and anyone else he can. He is not a leader! He is a divider! He is smart. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is taking this country down a path to HELL! Question is, are you going? Are you going to send your children and grand babies to Hell with him? You had better wake up.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 05:13:23 +0000

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