I have thought very long and hard on this topic but I guess I am - TopicsExpress


I have thought very long and hard on this topic but I guess I am here for reason. The NWT bible produced by watchtower purposely mistranslates scores and scores of verses in the Newtestament, mainly verses dealing with the Deity of Christ Jesus not because the original text supports these translations but because the watchtower could not have these verses say what they have always said both grammatically and historically because these verses would contradict their own watchtower theology. One verse in particular is John 8:58,ειπεν αυτοις ιησους αμην αμην λεγω υμιν πριν αβρααμ γενεσθαι εγω ειμι.= He said to them all, Amen amen I say to you all before Abraham was born I AM. Now we are very familiar with this verse even the watchtower is familiar with it cause in the Greek Oldtestament God says these same words to the prophet moses at the burning bush., (και ειπεν ο θεος προς μωυσην εγω ειμι ο ων και ειπεν ουτως ερεις τοις υιοις ισραηλ ο ων απεσταλκεν με προς υμας)= And God/ or The God he said to Moses I AM THE BEING, and he said thus you will go to the sons of Israel and say THE ETERNAL BEING he has sent me to you all us.Exodus 3:14, now the greek word in exodus 3, εγω ειμι ο ων= Ego Eimi ho On, means either I AM THE ETERNAL BEING, OR I AM THE ONE WHO IS AND THE ONE WHO ALREADY WAS, AND THE ONE WHO ALWAYS WILL BE THE ETERNAL BEING. This verse speaks of Gods eternal presence now the jews understood Christ Jesus words when he said,εγω ειμι= I AM, Now the Watchtower had to change the meaning of the verb ειμι, Now us greek scholars , and young greek students like myself have always seen ειμι as a 1st person present indicative verb, I AM,. Now the watchtower has applied many different means on the verb ειμι. At one point they said that ειμι was in the perfect indefinite tense, Let me say this from my own mouth when I read that publication I laughed my ass off because folks their is no form of ειμι in the perfect indefinite tense in greek The verb ειμι exist in greek as Present, Imperfect, Future, Present Subjunctive forms, And Present Imperative forms,their is also a Infinitive form both Present, and Future And their is also a form of ειμι in Participle form of both Present, And Future. Their is no form of ειμι either in the Aorist Tense, Perfect Tense, or Pluperfect Tense so the watchtower once again got caught in a lie but this is nothing new to bible scholars of newtestament greek. This verse the watchtower had to change because it clearly points to Christ Jesus Divinity εγω ειμι ,in greek well first and foremost εγω is a 1st person nominative personal pronoun which translates as: I and then u have the second word ειμι and this verb is a 1st person present indicative verb which mean I AM, or I exist ( to possess certain characteristics; to be identical with), This meaning of ειμι is held by just about every Conservative Biblical Scholar in the field of newtestament greek. The NWT bible translates εγω ειμι as I have been, to translate εγω ειμι as I have been u would need to change the wording here from εγω ειμι to the perfect tense form of and I am using the transliteration of the greek word, Huparcho= I am, exist now the perfect form would be Huparchka= I have been, Now this greek word no where appears in John 8:58 so the watchtower had to change the meaning of verb to support their own man made theology just is sad because if these people are suppose to be only ones who speaks for God, and yet they have to change Gods word to make it fit their own theology with made up greek tenses that no greek scholar has never even heard of nor do they support is sad, just sad this just shows how far the watchtower will go to make themselves sound like they are Gods people sorry folks u are not....
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:17:44 +0000

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