I have to admit I am slightly miffed with having to write this but - TopicsExpress


I have to admit I am slightly miffed with having to write this but I also realise, no one knows what my life entails and that I already live every single day with many many uncertainties, to the point that my realities really already make the Referendum bit of a joke in my head, you see I have a life already rammed with uncertainties to which there is no choice to and I didn’t ask for them. I have sat thinking about this for a good while, whilst friends from old and even some people close look at me with disappointment and disapproval. As I write this I ask you read this looking at the world through my eyes and my circumstances. You see with what has gone on with me over the past 10 years has shaped my reality. My amazing and incredibly active 8 year old Son first. On 2 occasions I lost the power of my legs, and much more that you can’t see but I have fought the good fight and have kept my pride and steely determination. I now am so fortunate to get a medication called ‘Tysabri (Ty) at 55k GBP a year from the NHS, this is about as futuristic and affective for me as it gets, nothing better in the world for fighting Multiple Sclerosis. You see my problem ‘health wise’ is my Immune system is attacking my nerve system and affectively the part of me which is meant to be looking after me is in fact destroying me. What Ty does is it put a cap of protection over my brain which stops my Immune system getting to my brain, something which potentially comes with other problems in time, but it’s the best of both worlds for me now and I am very lucky to have this and am down to get it for the next 2 years. You see to add to the Ty situ is only a certain type body setup gets it, I have that certain type body (very very lucky I promise) Im sorry to of had to tell this story but feel I had to explain my fight in life and why I am happy where I am. The other point about privatising the NHS….. well should that happen then I will cross that bridge when/if it does but just now day by day life is good despite living with uninvited complications and stress of MS. I have put questions out to key people in my life about the referendum and will hope for positive replies, I can assure you if it can really honestly and truly be pulled off for me then im for it 100% . what I do disapprove of is having to justify my thoughts and fears to people who don’t know my life or un invited stresses, I don’t need more stress. I get by through looking at the many many positives around me and laugh when I hear people complaining about pish or talking about ‘thinking with their head not their heart’ well I survive with using them both people. Im not going to pretend to be an academic or cleaver bloke who can challenge the politicians with my ideas on days gone by mistakes etc etc. I am however a determined individual who considers himself very lucky to be getting Ty to help my problem, this is my thoughts and if you can relax my worry about the NHS please do because without worry Im for it, I don’t trust the politicians but know right now im lucky with what I’m getting, PK xx
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 05:03:28 +0000

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