I have to get on my soap box for a second about an important - TopicsExpress


I have to get on my soap box for a second about an important topic, but Im gonna try not to be really negative about it because its such a beautiful Sunday morning and I dont want to ruin that. Honestly I just want to make you think. ...I am appalled at the amount of people who support the laws across the country in different cities and towns that ban saggy pants and fine those who do it in public. Personally, I think wearing your pants below your crack is ridiculous and it looks stupid, but what I find even more ridiculous is racism and stripping people of freedom. Lets be real. Most of the people who wear saggy pants as a style are minorities. Not all, but most. And the people that have made these laws are well aware of that. So this is a racial thing. Guaranteed. The reason I believe that is because no one has made a law that fines women from wearing skimpy clothes that show everything theyve got. No one fines men for being shirtless. This is clearly not a law that is created for any kind of moral purpose. This is racial profiling. In what way does saggy pants harm anyone? In what way does it effect anyone AT ALL? ...it doesnt. If you dont like someones style, look the other way. We shouldnt take away peoples right to express themselves through style simply because a majority dont like the way it looks. What happened to a constitutional republic? Thats what America is, folks. We were built on a system that was intended to protect the liberty of everyone, not just the majority. What this law will do is criminalize non criminals. It will fine people, some of which will not be able to afford the fine. If they dont pay the fine the consequences get more severe, leading people to an unfortunate fate with the law. Statistically, many of the teens who wear their pants at their knees need a boost, not an extra burden to bear. But this law sets them up for a future of trouble with the law. Its a trap and it makes me extremely disappointed in my fellow Americans that claim on one hand to support the constitution yet support this law. If youre one of them, youre terribly ignorant and you need to check yourself. Your ideals are hypocritical. We need to accept people where theyre at and look at a person for their potential rather than what they look like on the outside. We need grace and love and compassion, not bullshit laws that give these young folks even more reason to hate the law and those that have to enforce it. Think about how you would feel if a law was made in your town taking away your right to wear the styles you like, and lets actually live the golden rule that we so fervently preach at our children. End of rant. Pass the word along. Signing off.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 15:50:24 +0000

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