I have to say, I have some amazing friends, and an amazing son. My - TopicsExpress


I have to say, I have some amazing friends, and an amazing son. My living room HAD, a 7 sunken quad area that made it very difficult for me to navigate from the upper portion to the lower without the risk of falling. I had already fallen once due to this step-down. So, Andrew Usmani is not only one of my best friends, he is also a man of action, and when he found out I fell over a week ago, he sprung into action!! Today, he and great friend Dean Howard, and my son Trevor Fenwick got busy, and as these photos show, that risk of falling has now been eliminated. Then Cheryl Anderson appeared out of nowhere and graciously cleaned my house, did my laundry, washed my dishes and cleaned my garage while the construction was going on. I am so deeply grateful to God to have friends like this in my life, words fail to express it. I wish to also thank each significant other than gave up time with their men to help. So many are helping in amazing ways and I could post a list a mile long, but I felt this was extra worthy of a Shout Out! From the bottom of my bottomless heart, I love you all and you ROCK!! And thank you Andy for spearheading this. This is what I call...Love with Legs
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:55:07 +0000

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