I have to say something. First, i gave up hunting years ago, but i - TopicsExpress


I have to say something. First, i gave up hunting years ago, but i still back the right of hunters and gun owners. That being said i need go off here. All these anti-gun turds keep saying that American is the murder capital of the world. That is the biggest pile of bull shit there is. Yes, we have more reported murders per capital, but that is only because of our extensive law enforcement networks and superb information gathering. Do you anti-guns nuts have any idea how many people are murdered every day by their own governments everyday? No, you dont because they are never reoported. Do you know how many mass graves are filled with hunderds and thousands of people killed by their own government and rebels ? No, you dont, because there was no one left to reoport it, and if there was, who would they report it to since it was perpetrated by those in charge . Do you honestly believe criminals are going to follow any anti-gun law? You better believe those folks in Ukraine and Cremia wished they had guns right now. But they dont because of some of the strictest gun laws in the world. You boneheads need to wake up. The only reason we are still free, the only reason our police are careful about how and who they approach, the only reason our government is somewhat in check, is because we as a people are armed to the teeth. Wake the hell up, boneheads!!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:57:31 +0000

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