I have to say that i am very ashamed for what i said about police - TopicsExpress


I have to say that i am very ashamed for what i said about police yesterday. I posted that right after the incident happened and i was obviously heated. But if u know me than u know that i am a very respectful person and do not judge ppl. But yesterday i was a hypocrite bc i made an ignorant statement an generalized all cops. I HAVE had alot of bad experiences with police doing and saying horrible things. BUT there are also plenty of cops that are not only GREAT OFFICERS but that are also GREAT PPL!! And i know some of them an am also related to some and i was NOT thinking abt that when i posted. I have a cousin who has dedicated her life to this profession and she is kind amd fair and an embodies everything that a good cop should. One of My lil brothers friends is also a police officer and he is an AMAZING man and i adore him. I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE TO YOU BOTH FOR MY POST. I was wrong to say what i did. I do not want ppl to judge me so how dare i generalize. Their are some police that abuse their badge and that has been alot of my experience and that is what i was speaking of. Unfortunately that is not how i worded it. There HAS to b order and law for any community /civilization to survive; therefore there HAS to b ppl to enforce this. SO God bless and protect the honest officers who have heart and integrity and DO protect and serve us and may the lives of the ones who gave their own in the line of duty be forever HONORED!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 14:22:57 +0000

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