I have to say this because I just cant believe the poor service - TopicsExpress


I have to say this because I just cant believe the poor service the people get from paying tax dollars to support out local law enforcement. I generally have a great deal of respect for the police force and the necessity we all have of law enforcement in society as a whole but lately I have to speak my mind on how ridiculous they seem to be targeting civilians for traffic violations. A couple of weeks ago I was ticketed for doing 29 in a 25 mph zone. The cop insisted it was during the school zone hours (even though the 20 mph lights were not flashing) which would have made it 9 over even though I was ticketed after the school zone area and there were 3 cars between me and the officer, meaning three cars, 4 including me had to pull over before he chose to pull up behind me to choose me out of the crowd and ticket me. That whole issue was a joke to begin with but I willing submitted and paid the ticket and didnt try to fight it, even though I should have, I didnt try to because I wouldnt have been able to take time off of work to attempt to fight to bein with. But earlier today I was driving down the same street where I got that ticket 2 weeks ago and I made specific interest to make sure I was not going one inch per hour over the posted speed limit (25mph) and some guy waited until I was only a few feet away from where he was in his mustang and then tried to go across the street once I had to slam on my breaks so I didnt hit him. Of course I honked at him but where was a cop for that issue!?!?!? That idiot nearly caused a real accident that would have possibly injured me and themselves but no cop was anywhere to be found, while on the other hand my incident didnt hurt anyone at all and the cop had to speed just to catch up to me (even though I was only going 4mph over the posted speed limit, apparantly the school zone lights do not have to be flashing for it to be in effect) and therefore broke the same law I was be ticketed for violating!! What a joke! Ever since I received that ticket I have noticed far more police cars around me when on my way to work everyday and frankly its quite intriguing. You would think the police want to be looking for someone who is an actual criminal, I hate to break any of their hearts but Im not a criminal doing anything bad. Im just another law abiding citizen trying to make a living in an honest way and frankly Id appreciate it if you would allow me to do that without stealing anymore of the hard earned money I am trying to earn! You just chose me out of the crowd one day and decided to harass me and steal $108 of my money! The main reason I am making this post is because of the straw that finally broke the camels back! It just happened no more than an hour ago on my way to get a midnight snack. Tuesday and Wednesday are my weekend or days off so this is not uncommon for me to get a snack on my days off. While on my way back from Wendys a police officer started to follow me and there was literally almost no one else on the road. We came up to 1600 N. in Orem and State St. and it was red. Once it was green another car had joined and there were 3, me the cop behind me and the other car. The other guy sped off easily getting over 60 mph, 20 over and the cop continued to follow me and not only did he follow me after clearly seeing the other car speed off over at least 55+ mph, 15 over the speed limit the cop continued to follow me almost all the way into my neighborhood, which required me to turn off of State street and drive almost a mile into the Suburbs. I just have to say were seriously paying tax dollars for this kind of shoddy police work!?!?!? I respect the police so much, I know they sacrifice and take a huge risk with their jobs and we all owe them a great deal of respect but this kind of crap is ridiculous!!! I know without a doubt that when someone unsuspectingly gets a ticket out of the blue that they must be getting put on some kind of watch list because only a blind man would not have seen that guy just over an hour ago on State St. speeding off easily over 55 mph. For that officer to have continued to follow me means he was either blind or my recent ticket has put my information on some kind of watch list!! Thats literal harassment! People should never be out on that kind of list unless they have some kind of huge criminal back round and if smoking a few cigarettes under age over 20 years ago is some kind of huge criminal background then Utah is much more dull of an area than it appears to be. Apparently the police have not got their priorities in the right place or they just assume that fast looking car means it will somehow start going fast so they can legally ticket one if they follow it long enough. I simply could not believe that this officer continued to follow me this evening after someone clearly sped off right next to the both of us and for nearly a mile after I turned off of State St. Seriously Mr. police men start doing your jobs!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 08:33:46 +0000

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