I have to share this Christmas story. Please read. I typically - TopicsExpress


I have to share this Christmas story. Please read. I typically dont like to share these things but I promise, youll be blessed. Josh and Ellis met me at Walmart this evening. We rang up our items using the self check out kiosks. As you know, theres typically an attendant there to assist the customers as needed. All the computers were full. The area was crowded as people made their way through. As my husband was bagging up items, he accidentally backed into the attendant, Caleb was his name. Oh, excuse me sir. He said. I cant say why it was in that moment my heart grew tender for Caleb. He is a tall boy. Very skinny. Glasses, braces...a little akward, maybe quirky, but very polite and sweet. Maybe thats what struck me about Caleb. Something as simple as encountering a young man with manners. A rarity these days. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said to give him a tip. I reached into my wallet and grabbed a measly $5 bill and as we finished, I sent Josh ahead with the baby and I waited for Caleb to come back to his post. Caleb? Yes? I want to give this little tip to you. I see what a great job youre doing and how hard youre working and Jesus sees, too..so here..Id really like you to have this. In a very proper and professional military-like disposition he replied maam, I cannot accept your tip. I can donate it, but I cannot take it. Its very much against company policy and is a very sure and quick way to get myself fired Aw, really? What if I ran into you when you werent working and gave it to you? (I hate stupid rules like this and wanted to make demands to his manager that he be allowed to keep it! Besides...Im trying to obey God here and no dumb company policy was about to get in my way!) I suppose that would be fine. He replied after thoughtful consideration. I calmed down a bit and realized it was best that this momma didnt make a scene with management and took it for what it was. Well, Im going to give this to you. You can do with it as you wish so if that means you have to donate it, thats ok. I patted his thin, lanky arm, gave him a smile, got behind my cart and headed to the doors on the other side of the store. The thought passed my mind...that hadnt went as planned. I really felt God wanted to bless this kid and he couldnt even keep the money. I was a little bummed, but I still knew I was in obedience. I kept walking. Excuse me...miss? Can I talk to you for a moment? A very handsome mid 40s man had kept pace beside me as he got my attention. (He looked soo much like Steven Curtis Chapman!) I had noticed him briefly back where we were checking out. He stood facing the kiosks as if he was waiting for his party to finish checking out to leave... Yes I replied as I slowed down to engage in what he had to say. Then, this man began to pour out the very depths of his heart. Miss...that boy back there? Thats my son. This is his first job...hes only 16...hes been struggling. ..Im not sure...hes only been here about a month. The woman before you, I dont know if you noticed but...she gave him a real hard time. Its nothing he did, you know, its these computers. Ive been here watching and observing him in the background. Ive been in retail a long time...I came to watch him...just to see if I could help...give him a few pointers. But what you did back there for my son? (tears began to fill his eyes)..what you just did ...you just made the biggest impact on my boys life. You cant even imagine how much he needed this. This is....I just...you just dont know what you did to that boy tonight with that small gesture. I want to thank you. I cant wait to go home and tell my wife. Miss...what you just did there... (holds his heart).....made my Christmas. (His voice trembles) You made my Christmas. I saw the heart of a father for his boy. I saw a father who was tired and was willing to do whatever it took to help his son. I saw a father who was heartbroken for his son. I saw a daddy who needed to see his boy be encouraged. I seen the immediate blessing of obeying that still small voice of the Holy Spirit...tip him. We exchanged a few more words and a hug. And if anyones heart was the most encouraged, it was mine. I wont soon forget Caleb and his precious dad. This, my friends, made MY Christmas. I know Im to share this story. In all things, thank you, Jesus. ♡
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 04:10:53 +0000

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