I have to share this cartoon again- but this time, in the - TopicsExpress


I have to share this cartoon again- but this time, in the situation of diabetes. I find so many diabetics (including doctors!!) with the thought of it doesnt matter what I eat (that could raise my blood glucose) because I can just cover it with my insulin. Even doctors think that its okay to just raise the amount of insulin- and not ONCE consider the fact that LOWERING the intake of glucose-spiking foods (grains, sugar) will allow for LESS NEED for all that insulin. You can get energy from fats & proteins. It does NOT have to come from sugars or grain-based products that SPIKE blood glucose (and forces a high need more more insulin). You can get carbohydrate energy from vegetables too- without spiking blood glucose. But yet the ADA will keep on pushing their lowfat and high-grain diet plans. Its like out-of-control spending... and thinking of insulin as their debt ceiling savior. Um- how about looking at the CAUSE of the problem instead of just treating symptoms??
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 16:30:59 +0000

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