I have to share this cause I am sitting here thinking how God - TopicsExpress


I have to share this cause I am sitting here thinking how God heals. So last night I could not more I was up so sick and seriously told my 7year old if anything happens call 911...I felt like my heart was going to stop beating, I could barely swallow, I had chest pains, vomiting, especially pain in my esophagus. So I prayed harder than I ever prayed I confessed things I ask for healing I talked to God...I mean really talked cause I was scared. So I didnt go to sleep but the next morning I thought my son had school..he didnt (mps)so when I got back home with him I made him some breakfast. Turned on cartoons and layed on the couch exhausted. When I said God heals and I truly believe I have a Angel I got this overwhelming shock, not pain, a jolt to my lower back...as if almost to go through it,that jerked my body into a sitting up position...no it was not a falling dream the feeling was unexplainable and I just knew it was God in my heart I knew. I am sitting here less than 24 later and besides a sore throat that is simmering down feeling so extremely important and blessed. Faces receive you calling cause when God calls you dont want to miss. He saved me again how good is our GOOD♡
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:25:10 +0000

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