I have to start by saying I have proof that power of prayer works - TopicsExpress


I have to start by saying I have proof that power of prayer works wonders!!!! Last night I prayed so hard !!! I promised god that it was in his hands and whatever plan he had for my son I would accept. I prayed so hard for strength n guidance. After an extremely emotional night My warrior opened his eyes today and said those words my heart has been aching to hear for for the past week and a half .... I love you Ma and then he said dont leave me. I told him how Ive been by his side the whole time and I even slept every single night on the couch by his bed. He pulled me to him and kissed me lips!!!! I am filled with a ridiculous amount of emotions I can not even begin to explain. He said lil words here and there and even said some sentences. They were able to get Jey in a chair and he sat up had a cup of water and apple juice. He followed commands and comprehended some things being said. He felt his feeding tube thats in his mouth and didnt freak out. His emotions were up and down as to be expected. But I have to tell you the most emotional moment was when Jey started crying and said I miss Nessa. ( his sister Vanessa Robinson) Ness has been having a really tough time and really needed this!!! So I said do u want to see her I can face time her! I got her on FT and she looked at him and said hiiiiii buddyyyy and he saw her face and started crying and said I love u nessa. She started crying and promised him she was on her way. Jey is back to sleeping rest of day. And yes I know its going to be a very very long recovery. But this today, only days out of a coma and still heavily medicated, showed me EXACTLY how hard our boy is going to work for this!!!!! Today was exactly what I needed to refuel. Dr say we have to take it slow. Cant overwhelm him. We will let Jey get a little stronger before visitors right now but Pls keep praying for Jey for strength and healing on his long journey. Thank u all from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:34:29 +0000

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