I have to talk about this and put some light on my points; ALL THE - TopicsExpress


I have to talk about this and put some light on my points; ALL THE MENS ARE SAME Usually when women say that, they mean all men are the same in certain areas, depending on what it is the woman is talking about at the time. For example, if a woman is complaining about her husband leaving the toilet seat up, she is just deflecting her anger or frustration out on all men, which is unfair. If she found out her husband cheated on her, then she is likely to group all men in the cheaters club. After all, if the man she loved and trusted so much could hurt her in such a terrible way, then all men must be cheaters. If her husband is lazy, wont help out at home, etc., then again, she deflects her feelings on to all men. The fact is that some people cant (or wont) accept their share of responsibility when a marriage or relationship fails, so its easier to just blame all men or all women. Its unfair for anyone to do that, but there are many people who do it, mainly those who have been hurt by someone. Its actually a common response by anyone, man or woman, who has been hurt or has seen someone close to them, like a parent, hurt by someone else. This question focuses on a common complaint line used by most people. It shows in the question, and the fact that the contributor categorized this question under Abused Men; he obviously feels abused by some one. That, and the question make a hasty generalization: If (all) women say that all men... It is unstated, but it is still there. We all are guilty of the same mistakes of human behavior. We lump all or most of a group together because of the bad acts of one or a few. (Understand, there is no racism or discriminating intent from the writer in this next bit.) We see or are told that a certain ethnic or gender group is lazy, or greedy, or stupid, or cruel, and lump everyone from that group in together under that label. If one is then all are. We dont limit it to race or gender either. Anything that separates one from another is a reason. That one has red hair, or this one has freckles, or that one speaks a certain way. It is pure animal instinct, the recognition of the different one in our own group. In any human relation, we should speak out exactly as our conviction dictates, without a single cloud in our heart. This is a wonderful, invigorating way to live. And based on such a way of life, the bonds of family and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. So my point of saying is Too often in life, something happens and we blame other people for us not being happy or satisfied or fulfilled. When we suffer some misfortune, we tend to imagine that no one could possibly be as unhappy or as unfortunate. It’s easy to drown in self-pity and turn a blind eye to everyone and everything else. But dwelling on our own pain or discontent and hopelessness only causes our life force to wane even further. It is at such times that we need to rekindle our connections with others, to be concerned for their struggles. In doing so we discover a renewed strength and the will to live. So the point is, More people would learn from their mistakes if they werent so busy denying them, plus that we all have choices, and we make the choice to accept people or situations or to not accept situations....!!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 02:39:02 +0000

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