I have to tell the story of meeting this wonderful man, last - TopicsExpress


I have to tell the story of meeting this wonderful man, last night...Mister Mick Fleetwood ... How it began.... My drummer, Scott, told me Mick was going to make an appearance at an Art Gallery, Ann Jackson Gallery in Roswell, showing his photography, on Tuesday. He told me this on Monday. SO, of course I RSVP-d for us asap, and called the gallery Tuesday morning to confirm, speaking to Mary, who was excited when I told her we were the Atlanta tribute band to Fleetwood Mac, and she had our names on the list So...I was working away yesterday, since 4:30 am sewing...by the time 3 oclock came around, I was pretty tired, and thought should I even go?....I decided, what the heck, why not. The event was advertised in the local paper, and it said if you purchased one of Micks photographs, you would get to meet him and she also told me that on the phone. So I figured, well, I wont meet him but it will be fun to see him live and so close! Traffic was very bad, and it took me over an hour to get there...really cute, this Roswell (never had been there), so parked in the lot and walked up to the gallery, Scott was already there, so we we went in. Mick was scheduled to arrive at 7 or so...so we looked around at his super cool photos...people starting to pour in now. I saw my photographer friend, Chuck, who was taking photos for Jonathan, a nice guy who works for a Roswell paper, who we were introduced to, and he gave us a little mini interview, that will be in the paper, about White Winged Dove, and he also said we can set up an article about WWD with him...Cool beans! So...the guy (one of them) running the event, gets our attention, says Mick is running a fever (Oh no, he has a show tonight!) BUT he is still coming to the event, because he is a trooper (indeed!) so just after 7 he arrives, looking totally dashing in a scarf and hat...they (police) whisk him off to the roped off back room, where people who purchase his photos will get to meet him, and get him to sign their piece. He comes out for about 10 minutes, to speak with everyone about the history of why he takes the photos, and a little about Fleetwood Mac as it pertains to his work ... well, I am standing WAY in the back (as you can tell in some of the pics HAHA) by where the room was he was going to be sitting in....he comes walking back to the room to begin the signings and such...and Scott is my WITNESS to this...he STOPS dead in his tracks right before the red velvet rope, takes my arm (SWOON!) and says would you like a photo? So I am totally thrown and looking into this tall handsome Englishmans face, so I manage to say, oh! Yes! and I start to take a photo OF him...he says, no, WITH you! and THAT is when I started shaking...I handing my camera to a girl standing directly in front of us (the crowd followed him LOL) and told her you need to hold the shutter down, for about 3 seconds and it will flash...he puts his arm around me, and I did the same and then....he says....yes, SISTER OF THE MOON! and looks at me...ok, am I still standing UP!??? She takes the photo, and I said, I am Barbara Joy, thank you and I hope you feel better, Merry Christmas or something along those lines, and he said something funny and disappeared into the room...Everyone was coming up to me and congratulating me And then Scott came up and said OMG I saw him stop dead and was looking down, and I saw your hair (HAHA) and I thought OMG HE IS TALKING TO BARBARA and indeed, he was... I was shaking and burning up hot, so excited, so we went outside and met a few wonderful people, complimenting me on my Stevie look, and when we told them about White Winged Dove, they were so excited, gave everyone outside cards, and hope they will come see us. THEN saw that clip on the Atlanta news... What a night. The photo is amazing enough, but the fact he STOPPED with guards all around him and took my arm, and asked ME If I wanted a photo, out of all of those people....just UNREAL. He is one glorious, kind, and super handsome man. That is my story of this night....
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:34:00 +0000

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