I have to tell you about an incredible day I had yesterday and the - TopicsExpress


I have to tell you about an incredible day I had yesterday and the amazing people that came with me. We started our journey near Putney at Roehampton University and after a safety briefing where we were reminded it wasnt a race, we got straight to work using all our energy by trying to overtake everyone but it works out this wasnt such a good plan cos after 20 miles the journey went single file, slow going through mud and uphill, it was hard going on the legs and I hadnt even hit any of the big hills yet! And then it happened... The first hill... Newlands corner... We did this a few weeks ago and I dont know why but I couldnt do it yesterday getting to the top was hard work let me tell you! I dont mind admitting that my size and weight does not favour me going uphill! Its hard enough with just a few people but add a constant trail of riders, some going faster, some slower and the trail barely wide enough for 1 rider with other riders constantly trying to overtake and others slowing you down! It was incredibly demoralising but there was nothing that would stop me getting to the top! The journey down was quite different! A 2 mile mud slide down a deep slope that required precision, control and good brakes!! I cant tell you how pleased I was to see Ant and Simon, Lee, Beanie, Robin Jenny and Elaine that It really hit home that this ride was trying to beat me mentally and I still had a lot worse to come! The next hill was steeper, more rugged and I found myself doubting my ability to finish this ride and I know the rest of the team were worried for me too, I knew I just needed to push the bike to the top.. It would be the half way point and after a lunch stop in Cranleigh would be a long straight ride down to Shoreham. The Ride into Cranleigh was mainly fast paced downhill on a road which was a great relief. We picked up the downs link to our next stop. The team of Lee, Beanie, my mum and dad and Elaine met us at everyone water point and their support for us got us through! After a lunch stop I got my second wind and knew nothing can stop me! Well not for another 20 miles when we got to the final water stop, 10 miles left to go and one mother of a hill and those self doubting demons came back to haunt me but I didnt get all that way to quit before the end! So we set off again on the final part of our epic journey. I have to tell you that the first part of this hell hill was so so steep on loose chalk and rock, most people were pushing their bikes up, myself included but every now and again a hero passed me, determined to cycle to the top, amazing stamina!! One we got to the end of the rocky road we were greeted by two amazing sights, one was the view across southern England and the other was the Tarmac road that continued us on our upward journey as we were only half way up! Dave found his demon on this hill but I knew where he was mentally and physically and after a 10 minute rest, some energy flapjacks and some water, we managed to get to the top. This was the defining moment, we were nearly there and it was all downhill from here. The others shot off.. Including Dave who just a few minutes before thought he had hit the wall had now disappeared into the dust! An exhilarating ride down into Shoreham, full speed, along and down the ridges was awesome. All the pain and struggle had paled into insignificance as David Frances and I screamed our joy at full velocity! A few people on the way down had punctures but they was just blurs as we were going so fast, only when we got to the bottom did I realise that one of them was Justin! We couldnt go back and we were not going to finish without him and after a 20 minute wait he and David appeared and with some extra air we were on our way again. The marshals who were brilliant the whole way guided us through Shoreham Harbour and onto the coastal road to Brighton. We could see the lights and the pier in the distance and we found a new top gear, our finish was in sight! We cycled our hearts out for the final push and were greeted like heroes when we crossed the line, the cheers were awesome! A roller coaster of emotion rode through me, we had done it!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 17:12:15 +0000

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