I have tried to release for free the first chapter of my new book, - TopicsExpress


I have tried to release for free the first chapter of my new book, but my publisher declined to help, so here is, enjoy the only freebie your going to get ! lol AND WHERE WAS GOD by DR. MICHAEL J THOMAS PhD The End of life Many have ask me if I’m dying?, with a smile I always reply yes, we all are dying. But the death I’m talking about has nothing to do with the physical death but the death of the current mindset. We are all born with an ego, the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity. This that we call the ego has been the downfall of nations and humanity, the need to control or force systems of belief that control the way that one thinks or reacts is the major cause of failure in our lives. Ego causes us to hate, kill, judge and become obsessed with the thought that we are better that the others. We all have wants and desires in life that somehow seem out of reach for most, but what if told you that letting go of your ego opens endless possibilities to achieve anything you could actually dream of a reality? Now many of you are asking, can I really have the carrier I want, or the house I want, or the love of my life? And the answer is yes, you can have anything you desire, but there’s a catch, which as you continue to read the various chapters in this book I promise you a new awakening to the things that have always been, yet unknown or misunderstood to countless millions. I only ask that as you continue to read and study, that you the ego to die, and be open to things you may previously felt or believed was outside the realm of possible. Most of us have a system of belief that was embedded in our minds at an early stage in our lives. We were systematically programmed to believe certain elements in life were beyond our control or ability, Some were raised in very strict religious homes, some were atheist, others just winged it with whichever way the wind blew, In either case we had some type of values programmed into our mindset., one of the words I need to emphasize is programmed, yes programmed, and whether or not you’re willing to admit it or not at some time in your life you and well as I were programmed to believe, certain things. Think back for a moment on something that you believed as a child and as you grew it became apparent that what you thought was true turned out to be false, things like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Monsters living in your closet (lol), and the silly little things we used say and believe like, “step on crack you break your mothers back. Now regardless of how insignificant those little childish games where they have significant influences on how think in the present day. It’s hard to see how something as small as a child game plays an important part of whom we’ve become today, “Kill your ego before your ego kills you “ this is probably one of my most misunderstood quotes, in other word allow your ego to commit suicide, We have wars all over the planet, crimes of passion, insult, murder, all because of our ego waning to be in control of people places and things. The ego is the destroyer of humanity and the destroyer of your life, it’s all about me is the attitude that we take in life, never really caring about those around us, that’s called the me, me, me syndrome, “it’s all about me and the hell with everyone else”. All of us at one point in our lives we had, and still have that bad attitude, it’s a negative fortitude that we must overcome, hidden inside the ego, are things like, doubt, hatred, envy, destruction, murder, lies, racism, all the things that constitute negative reactions. As you can see there is good reason to let go your ego. When our children join gangs and commit hideous crimes, it is the ego that that they allow to become the leader, they want to become something and somebody and the ego’s speaking and saying, ”yeah you all that and then some, show everybody how bad you are! And we wonder why our children become these gun toting killing machines. We all know that history has way of repeating itself, what happen 5,000 years ago is happening all over again same game different players, Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph~~Haile Selassie . That is a profound statement by one the greatest spiritual leaders of modern times, it is because of our inactions and silence that now face a very uncertain future, We short circuit our connection to the source when we allow the wires that connect us to be frayed, by ego, hatred, fear and doubt, taping up the wiring is only temporary, replace the cord of connection and destroy the old and frayed wires of the past- Dr. Michael J Thomas PhD. Letting of ego is to truly to connect to source, some call it God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, or spirit, whatever you chose to call it, but reality says it’s the same thing. Religion has taught us that we are disconnected from source because of evil and wicked ways, we have become ignorant of our real self because of what we have allowed religion to do ! as look in the middle east, what is it that you see ? ego, control, wanting to take instead of give, believing that there’s only one way and it’s they’re way or no way ! by now I assume you see how dangerous the ego can become, Now here’s the catch 22, God or source has nothing to do with your ego, it’s yours, you own it, and its entirely up you to remove it ! When you remove the ego you begin to allow source to flow in every aspect of your life, “become the change you wish to become” as begin to rid your mind of the ego, there begins a change, this what is meant when one says become the change, it’s about changing your thought process and letting of old outdated systems of belief , let me clear of one thing, I do not desire to start a new religion nor a new belief, most of the aforesaid mentioned religions embrace change, although some change endangers those who embrace it, if it hurts, abases, cause loss of life, controls, it’s not change, and your still dealing with ego, if they tell you, your worthless, unworthy, filthy, and worthy of death, ego is in total control and I suggest you move on. While most of us were raised in some type of religious, spiritual or non spiritual atmosphere. We never questioned what we were told and took things at face value, but when one becomes totally aware of their existence, the question arises “what am I , who am I, and why am I here ? you then begin to reconnect with source and if you listen to that within you, you discover that you are more than a woman, or a man, or your name, or your profession, you are source and source is a part of what you have always been ! If you define yourself by the color of your skin, your religious preference or your social status, then you miss the opportunity to see the real you”-Dr. Michael J Thomas PhD Some of the most negative events in history end up with a positive outlook! Take the case of the phrase “just do it”, Nike spend millions in advertising and made billions in returns base on a few choice words. The phrase “just do it” is linked to one of the more tragic events in American history. In 1977 in Utah convicted murderer Gary Gilmore was shot to death by a state firing squad, when ask if he had any last words, he replied ‘just do it” ! Some years later an adverting firm hired by Nike were sitting around looking for ideas for the Nike project, one of the ad writers not only thought about Michael Jordan who by then was the greatest player on the planet, but also the words of Gary Gilmore. If Gilmore had of lived he would have become a very rich man! However based on his crimes, he received his just due. I hear so many people say they’re trying or they tried, to try is to already accept the possibility that you are going to fail, or youve given up.There is an old bible verse attributed to King Solomon that say’s “That what a man thinks so he becomes” In other words we become the very essence of our words and thoughts. Now you may be asking how is this possible. Let me explain, everything in our universe is comprised of energy, Let me explain in scientific terms. Energy is the ability to do work. Energy may be stored (potential energy), or it can be said to be a property of an objects motion (kinetic energy). While the scientific definition of energy has been refined for centuries and thus has a very specific meaning, the mainstream usage of the word is often in conflict with the scientific definition. Additionally, the two classifications of energy (potential and kinetic) are often broken down into different types, leading some to incorrectly believe that there are other forms of energy. In fact, all forms of energy can be generalized as either potential or kinetic. Potential energy is stored energy, that is, the amount of work that an object can do as a result of its position (and mass) relative to another object. For instance, a bowling ball that is held above the floor can be released, thus falling and crushing a pack of cigarettes on the floor. The bowling ball has potential energy because of its position relative to the floor (which gravity attracts it towards), and the work that it can do is the crushing of the pack of cigarettes. Not all types of potential energy are as easy to identify as the bowling ball, however. Potential energy is also the type of energy found in dry- and wet- cell batteries, nuclear reactions, and even springs. Further more, The theory of relativity transformed theoretical physics and astronomy during the 20th century. When first published, relativity superseded a 200-year-old theory of mechanics created primarily by Isaac Newton.[4][5][6] In the field of physics, relativity improved the science of elementary particles and their fundamental interactions, along with ushering in the nuclear age. With relativity, cosmology and astrophysics predicted extraordinary astronomical phenomena such as neutron stars, black holes, and gravitational waves.[4][5][6] T ] The theory of relativity was representative of more than a single new physical theory. There are some explanations for this. First, special relativity was published in 1905, and the final form of general relativity was published in 1916.[4] Second, special relativity applies to elementary particles and their interactions, whereas general relativity applies to the cosmological and astrophysical realm, including astronomy.[4] Third, special relativity was accepted in the physics community by 1920. This theory rapidly became a significant and necessary tool for theorists and experimentalists in the new fields of atomic physics, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics. Conversely, general relativity did not appear to be as useful. There appeared to be little applicability for experimentalists as most applications were for astronomical scales. It seemed limited to only making minor corrections to predictions of Newtonian gravitation theory.[4] Finally, the mathematics of general relativity appeared to be very difficult. Consequently, it was thought that a small number of people in the world, at that time, could fully understand the theory in detail, but this has been discredited by Richard Feynman. Then, at around 1960 a critical resurgence in interest occurred which has resulted in making general relativity central to physics and astronomy. New mathematical techniques applicable to the study of general relativity substantially streamlined calculations. From this, physically discernible concepts were isolated from the mathematical complexity. Also, the discovery of exotic astronomicalphenomena, in which general relativity was relevant, helped to catalyze this resurgence. The astronomical phenomena included quasars (1963), the 3-kelvin microwave background radiation (1965), pulsars (1967), and the discovery of the first black hole candidates (1981).[4](source Wikipedia) In layman’s term like energy attracts like energy, then there’s the positive and negative aspects such as a battery, the negative and positive forces merge to create a source of power, however in humans things work similar yet different. When we understand the fact that every thought you think starts a creative process, that when allowed become a physical reality, every single thing begins with a thought, the chair your sitting on now or the bed your laying in, all began when someone had an idea to be more comfortable, even our automobiles someone looked at horse and thought of a way to harness the energy of many horses and created the engine. While many refuse to accept this concept, many have, and have moved on in their lives to a higher since being, and creating the life they want to live. Now let’s look at words, they are probably the most powerful tool in the human arsenal, now remember thoughts create things, but the thought begins with a vision, we then begin to speak our ideas, giving them life and began to create exactly what we have spoken, so whether or not you understand know that your words carry much weight. There was another old saying that said be careful what you ask for you just might get it ! I came remember putting both negative and positive words out in the open, and later came to realize that the exact thing I spoke happen, let’s say you awake in the morning jump out of bed, stub your toe on something, if you’re normal you’re probably going to cuss, then out of your mouth comes the negative words ‘this is going to be a bad day” And how did that day turn out? Exactly what you said it would be ! Now there’s no magic, no tricks, you spoke it, you believed it and it became your reality for that day. We use affirmations which are usually positive suggestions to trigger a mind reaction or a good thought, the more you repeat it the more your emotions triggers the adrenalin (energy) in the brain causing a reaction that very few can humanly explain, some call it faith others call it positive thinking( they have the same meaning).
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:08:19 +0000

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