I have utmost respect for Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto. I - TopicsExpress


I have utmost respect for Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto. I consider them to be good husbands to their wives, fine fathers to their children, and respected members of their society. However, Uhuru and Ruto, have failed in discharging the duties of the office of the presidency. They have failed to guarantee the safety of the lives and properties of those they swore to protect. Under their watch, the tax burden on Kenyans have doubled, the cost of living continues to increase, Kenyan international standing is on the decline due to unnecessary diplomatic spat. Key sectors of the economy have stagnated; tea and coffee farmers have witnessed a decline in their earnings, Miraa farming is almost extinct, sugarcane production have decreased. On numerous occasions, the president have acted outside the mandate of the Kenyan constitution. Extra-judicial killings continue to occur within Kenyan. Key promises of his presidential campaigns remain unfulfilled. The president and his administration have been reluctant to unify our nation, knowing that about half of those who participated in the last presidential elections did not vote for them. These failures points to either one of the following reasons: 1. Uhuru and Ruto were not prepared for the rigor that is the office of the presidency, or 2. They willfully choose to travel the road they are currently traveling on, to a destination only known to them, and for their own reasons. Whatever their motivation, The President should understand that, the power of any government is a borrowed power. Ultimate power rests with the people, and as such, I support any discussions where the people exercise their right to be governed prudently. Disclaimer. Its Uhuru and Ruto who are failing, not Kikuyus or Kalenjines. Dr. Eng. Cliff Nudi.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 04:57:30 +0000

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